
This version (18 Mar 2021 17:42) was approved by Michael Hennerich.The Previously approved version (14 Jan 2021 05:38) is available.Diff


The JESD204 Interface Framework provides out of the box linux support for many of the ADI JESD204 based converters, clock chips and both Xilinx and Altera FPGA transceivers.

Kernel Configuration

The first requirement for the JESD204 drivers to be supported by Linux is that they are compiled either as part of the kernel or as a kernel module. We recommend using them integrated in the kernel.

The physical layer support, implementing the reconfiguration of the FPGA transceiver for both Xilinx and Intel/Altera:

    Device Drivers  --->
    <*>     Industrial I/O support --->
        --- Industrial I/O support
        -*-   Enable ring buffer support within IIO
        -*-     Industrial I/O lock free software ring
        -*-   Enable triggered sampling support
            <*>   JESD204 High-Speed Serial Interface Support  --->
            <*>   Altera Arria10 JESD204 PHY Support
            <*>   Analog Devices AXI ADXCVR PHY Support
            <*>   Generic AXI JESD204B configuration driver

The data link layer support, implementing reconfiguration of JESD204 specific parameters. This applies for both Xilinx and Intel/Altera designs:

    Device Drivers  --->
    <*>     Industrial I/O support --->
        --- Industrial I/O support
        -*-   Enable ring buffer support within IIO
        -*-     Industrial I/O lock free software ring
        -*-   Enable triggered sampling support
        <*>   JESD204 High-Speed Serial Interface Support  --->
            <*>   Analog Devices AXI JESD204B RX Support
            <*>   Analog Devices AXI JESD204B TX Support

Transport layer support, implementing ADC/DAC chip configuration and HDL IP configuration:

    Device Drivers  --->
    <*>     Industrial I/O support --->
        --- Industrial I/O support
        -*-   Enable ring buffer support within IIO
        -*-     Industrial I/O lock free software ring
        -*-   Enable triggered sampling support
        <*>   Analog Devices AD9467 AD9643 High-Speed AXI ADC driver
        *** Direct Digital Synthesis ***
        <*>   Analog Devices CoreFPGA AXI DDS driver
        <*>   Analog Devices AD9122 DAC

Clock device support:

    Device Drivers  --->
    <*>  Industrial I/O support --->
             Frequency Synthesizers DDS/PLL  ---> 
                 Clock Generator/Distribution  --->
                 <*>  Analog Devices AD9528 Low Jitter Clock Generator

Devicetree Configuration

After enabling the drivers in the kernel, the devicetree needs to be created and configured.

The devicetree is a description of the system hardware components that can be found both inside the FPGA, like the the JESD204 PHY, link and transport layer cores, as well as outside on the PCB like the JESD204 ADC or DAC and the clockchips.

The description in the devicetree is loaded by the operating system and is used to configure the device drivers at system boot time.

For more information about devicetree visit

Physical Layer

Initially, the physical layer needs to be configured. The parameters depend on the HDL implementation and what clock is used as device clock.

Required properties:
compatible: Must always be “adi,axi-adxcvr-1.00”
reg: Base address and register area size. This parameter expects a register range
clock-names: List of input clock names - “s_axi_aclk”, “device_clk”
clocks: Clock phandles and specifiers (See clock bindings for details on clock-names and clocks)
clock-output-names: Generated clocks
adi,sys-clk-select: 2 bit variable. For ultrascale, it selects the PLL reference clock source to be forwarded to the OUTCLK MUX: 0-CPLL, 3-QPLL0. Check RX/TXSYSCLKSEL parameter in the transceiver documentation for the FPGA you're using
adi,out-clk-select: 3 bit variable. Controls the OUTCLKSEL multiplexer, controlling what will be forwarded to OUTCLK pin. Check RX/TXOUTCLKSEL parameter in the transceiver documentation for the FPGA you're using
Optional properties:
adi,use-lpm-enable: If set, the transceiver will be used in LPM mode. Otherwise, will be used in DFE mode. See transceiver documentation for details
adi,use-cpll-enable: If set, the CPLL will be used for these transceivers

axi_ad9680_adxcvr: axi-ad9680-adxcvr@44a50000 {
    compatible = "adi,axi-adxcvr-1.0";
    reg = <0x44a50000 0x1000>;
    clocks = <&clk0_ad9523 4>;
    clock-names = "conv";
    #clock-cells = <1>;
    clock-output-names = "adc_gt_clk", "rx_out_clk";
    adi,sys-clk-select = <0>;
    adi,out-clk-select = <4>;
axi_ad9144_adxcvr: axi-ad9144-adxcvr@44a60000 {
    compatible = "adi,axi-adxcvr-1.0";
    reg = <0x44a60000 0x1000>;
    clocks = <&clk0_ad9523 9>;
    clock-names = "conv";
    #clock-cells = <1>;
    clock-output-names = "dac_gt_clk", "tx_out_clk";
    adi,sys-clk-select = <3>;
    adi,out-clk-select = <4>;

Required properties:
compatible: Must always be “adi,axi-jesd204b-tx-1.00.a” or “adi,axi-jesd204b-tx-1.00.a”
reg: Base address and register area size. This parameter expects a register range
interrupts: Property with a value describing the interrupt number
clock-names: List of input clock names - “s_axi_aclk”, “device_clk”
clocks: Clock phandles and specifiers (See clock bindings for details on clock-names and clocks)
adi,frames-per-multiframe: Number of frames per multi-frame (K)
adi,octets-per-frame: Number of octets per frame (F)
Optional properties:
adi,converter-resolution: Converter resolution (N)
adi,bits-per-sample: Number of bits per sample (N')
adi,high-density: If specified the JESD204B link is configured for high density (HD) operation

axi_ad9144_jesd: axi-jesd204-tx@44a90000 {
    compatible = "adi,axi-jesd204-tx-1.0";
    reg = <0x44a90000 0x1000>;
    interrupts = <0 54 0>;
    clocks = <&clkc 16>, <&axi_ad9144_adxcvr 1>, <&axi_ad9144_adxcvr 0>;
    clock-names = "s_axi_aclk", "device_clk", "lane_clk";
    adi,octets-per-frame = <1>;
    adi,frames-per-multiframe = <32>;
    adi,converter-resolution = <16>;
    adi,bits-per-sample = <16>;
    adi,converters-per-device = <2>;
    #clock-cells = <0>;
    clock-output-names = "jesd_dac_lane_clk";
axi_ad9680_jesd: axi-jesd204-rx@00040000 {
    compatible = "adi,axi-jesd204-rx-1.0";
    reg = <0x00040000 0x4000>;
    interrupt-parent = <&intc>;
    interrupts = <0 27 0>;
    clocks = <&sys_clk>, <&rx_device_clk_pll>, <&axi_ad9680_xcvr>;
    clock-names = "s_axi_aclk", "device_clk", "lane_clk";
    adi,octets-per-frame = <1>;
    adi,frames-per-multiframe = <32>;
    clock-output-names = "jesd_adc_lane_clk";

Transport Layer

when instantiating the transport layer, a DMA IP should also be instantiated for both the RX and TX path.

axi_ad9680_core: axi-ad9680-hpc@44a10000 {
    compatible = "adi,axi-ad9680-1.0";
    reg = <0x44a10000 0x10000>;
    dmas = <&rx_dma 0>;
    dma-names = "rx";
    spibus-connected = <&adc0_ad9680>;
axi_ad9144_core: axi-ad9144-hpc@44a04000 {
    compatible = "adi,axi-ad9144-1.0";
    reg = <0x44a04000 0x4000>;
    dmas = <&tx_dma 0>;
    dma-names = "tx";
    spibus-connected = <&dac0_ad9144>;
rx_dma: rx-dmac@7c400000 {
    compatible = "adi,axi-dmac-1.00.a";
    reg = <0x7c400000 0x10000>;
    #dma-cells = <1>;
    interrupts = <0 57 0>;
    clocks = <&clkc 16>;
    dma-channel {
        adi,source-bus-width = <64>;
        adi,destination-bus-width = <64>;
        adi,type = <0>;
tx_dma: tx-dmac@7c420000 {
    compatible = "adi,axi-dmac-1.00.a";
    reg = <0x7c420000 0x10000>;
    #dma-cells = <1>;
    interrupts = <0 56 0>;
    clocks = <&clkc 16>;
    dma-channel {
        adi,source-bus-width = <128>;
        adi,destination-bus-width = <128>;
        adi,type = <1>;

Device Drivers

Here we instantiate the device drivers, which will configure the actual ADC, DAC and clock generating chips.

Clock chip

Depending on the schematic and available reference clock, the boot configuration should be done in the device-tree. Depending on the schematic, each output may have different functions. This configuration can be modified at runtime.

    clk0_ad9523: ad9523-1@0 {
        #address-cells = <1>;
        #size-cells = <0>;
        #clock-cells = <1>;
        compatible = "adi,ad9523-1";
        reg = <0>;
        spi-max-frequency = <10000000>;
        clock-output-names = "ad9523-1_out0", "ad9523-1_out1", "ad9523-1_out2", "ad9523-1_out3", "ad9523-1_out4", "ad9523-1_out5", "ad9523-1_out6", "ad9523-1_out7", "ad9523-1_out8", "ad9523-1_out9", "ad9523-1_out10", "ad9523-1_out11", "ad9523-1_out12", "ad9523-1_out13";
        adi,vcxo-freq = <125000000>;
        adi,pll2-charge-pump-current-nA = <413000>;
         * Valid ranges based on VCO locking range:
         *    980.00 MHz - 1033.33 MHz
         *    735.00 MHz -  775.00 MHz
         *    588.00 MHz -  620.00 MHz
        adi,pll2-m1-freq = <1000000000>;
        /* Manual PLL2 divider configuration */
//      adi,pll2-r2-div = <1>;
//      adi,pll2-vco-div-m1 = <3>;
//      adi,pll2-ndiv-a-cnt = <0>; /* a = N % 4 */
//      adi,pll2-ndiv-b-cnt = <6>; /* b = N / 4 */
        adi,rpole2 = <0>;
        adi,rzero = <7>;
        adi,cpole1 = <2>;
        ad9523_0_c1:channel@1 {
            reg = <1>;
            adi,extended-name = "DAC_CLK";
            adi,driver-mode = <3>;
            adi,divider-phase = <1>;
            adi,channel-divider = <1>;
//          adi,output-dis;
        ad9523_0_c4:channel@4 {
            reg = <4>;
            adi,extended-name = "ADC_CLK_FMC";
            adi,driver-mode = <3>;
            adi,divider-phase = <1>;
            adi,channel-divider = <2>;
//          adi,output-dis;
        ad9523_0_c5:channel@5 {
            reg = <5>;
            adi,extended-name = "ADC_SYSREF";
            adi,driver-mode = <3>;
            adi,divider-phase = <1>;
            adi,channel-divider = <128>;
//          adi,output-dis;
        ad9523_0_c6:channel@6 {
            reg = <6>;
            adi,extended-name = "CLKD_ADC_SYSREF";
            adi,driver-mode = <3>;
            adi,divider-phase = <1>;
            adi,channel-divider = <128>;
//          adi,output-dis;
        ad9523_0_c7:channel@7 {
            reg = <7>;
            adi,extended-name = "CLKD_DAC_SYSREF";
            adi,driver-mode = <3>;
            adi,divider-phase = <1>;
            adi,channel-divider = <128>;
//          adi,output-dis;
        ad9523_0_c8:channel@8 {
            reg = <8>;
            adi,extended-name = "DAC_SYSREF";
            adi,driver-mode = <3>;
            adi,divider-phase = <1>;
            adi,channel-divider = <128>;
//          adi,output-dis;
        ad9523_0_c9:channel@9 {
            reg = <9>;
            adi,extended-name = "FMC_DAC_REF_CLK";
            adi,driver-mode = <3>;
            adi,divider-phase = <1>;
            adi,channel-divider = <2>;
//          adi,output-dis;
        ad9523_0_c13:channel@13 {
            reg = <13>;
            adi,extended-name = "ADC_CLK";
            adi,driver-mode = <3>;
            adi,divider-phase = <1>;
            adi,channel-divider = <1>;
//          adi,output-dis;

DAC AD9144 chip

Instantiation the AD9144 chip, noting which clocks are connected to the chip.

dac0_ad9144: ad9144@1 {
    compatible = "adi,ad9144";
    reg = <1>;
    spi-max-frequency = <1000000>;
    clocks = <&axi_ad9144_jesd>, <&clk0_ad9523 1>, <&clk0_ad9523 8>;
    clock-names = "jesd_dac_clk", "dac_clk", "dac_sysref";

ADC AD9680 chip

Instantiating the AD9680 chip, noting which clocks are connected to the chip.

adc0_ad9680: ad9680@2 {
    compatible = "adi,ad9680";
    reg = <2>;
    spi-max-frequency = <1000000>;
    clocks = <&axi_ad9680_jesd>, <&clk0_ad9523 13>, <&clk0_ad9523 5>;
    clock-names = "jesd_adc_clk", "adc_clk", "adc_sysref";

Building the Linux Kernel and Device-tree

For this tutorial we will use an ADI provided script.

We provide a script for Zynq and one for Zynqmp that do automate the build using the Linaro toolchain.

The script takes 3 parameters:

  1. <local_kernel_dir> - default is linux-adi if left blank ; use this, if you want to use an already cloned kernel repo
  2. <devicetree_file> - which device-tree should be exported/copied from the build
  3. <path_to_other_toolchain> - in case you have your own preferred ARM64 toolchain [other than Linaro's or Xilinx's] you can use override it with this 3rd param

The script will:

  1. clone the ADI kernel tree
  2. download the Linaro GCC toolchain [if no other is specified]
  3. build the ADI kernel tree
  4. export/copy the Image file and device-tree file out of the kernel build folder
wget && chmod +x && ./

Build the device-tree:

~/github-linux-build/linux$  make xilinx/zynqmp-zcu102-rev10-fmcdaq2.dtb

Booting Linux on ZCU102

In order for linux to boot, you need to start from a clean ADI Linux image. After that, you need to copy the newly generated files. Assuming the SD card BOOT partition was mounted in /media/BOOT:

~/github-linux-build/linux$ cp arch/arm64/boot/Image /media/BOOT/
~/github-linux-build/linux$ cp arch/arm64/boot/dts/xilinx/zynqmp-zcu102-rev10-fmcdaq2.dtb /media/BOOT/system.dtb

If a new BOOT.BIN file has been generated, it should also be copied in the root directory of the SD card.

Booting Linux on A10SOC

Status Registers

The JESD204B Interface framework provides several status functions for both TX and RX.


    Link is enabled
    Measured Link Clock: 250.002 MHz
    Reported Link Clock: 250.000 MHz
    Lane rate: 10000.000 MHz
    Lane rate / 40: 250.000 MHz
    SYNC~: deasserted
    Link status: DATA
    SYSREF captured: Yes
    SYSREF alignment error: No


    Link is enabled
    Measured Link Clock: 250.000 MHz Reported Link Clock: 250.000 MHz
    Lane rate: 10000.000 MHz
    Lane rate / 40: 250.000 MHz
    Link status: DATA
    SYSREF captured: Yes
    SYSREF alignment error: No
Lane Info:
    CGS state: DATA
    Initial Frame Synchronization: Yes
    Lane Latency: 3 Multi-frames and 15 Octets
    Initial Lane Alignment Sequence: Yes
    DID: 0, BID: 1, LID: 0, L: 3, SCR: 1, F: 0
    K: 31, M: 1, N: 13, CS: 0, N': 15, S: 0, HD: 1
    FCHK: 0x80, CF: 0
    FC: 10000000
    CGS state: DATA
    Initial Frame Synchronization: Yes
    Lane Latency: 3 Multi-frames and 16 Octets
    Initial Lane Alignment Sequence: Yes
    DID: 0, BID: 1, LID: 1, L: 3, SCR: 1, F: 0
    K: 31, M: 1, N: 13, CS: 0, N': 15, S: 0, HD: 1
    FCHK: 0x81, CF: 0
    FC: 10000000
    CGS state: DATA Initial Frame Synchronization: Yes
    Lane Latency: 3 Multi-frames and 14 Octets
    Initial Lane Alignment Sequence: Yes
    DID: 0, BID: 1, LID: 2, L: 3, SCR: 1, F: 0
    K: 31, M: 1, N: 13, CS: 0, N': 15, S: 0, HD: 1
    FCHK: 0x82, CF: 0
    FC: 10000000
    CGS state: DATA
    Initial Frame Synchronization: Yes
    Lane Latency: 3 Multi-frames and 15 Octets
    Initial Lane Alignment Sequence: Yes
    DID: 0, BID: 1, LID: 3, L: 3, SCR: 1, F: 0
    K: 31, M: 1, N: 13, CS: 0, N': 15, S: 0, HD: 1
    FCHK: 0x83, CF: 0
    FC: 10000000


The easiest way to reconfigure application parameters like sampling rate and capturing data is by using IIO Oscilloscope

The second option is to use libiio library.


resources/fpga/peripherals/jesd204/tutorial/linux.txt · Last modified: 18 Mar 2021 17:42 by Michael Hennerich