
This version (17 Mar 2021 11:36) was approved by Darius B.The Previously approved version (12 Jan 2021 13:14) is available.Diff

AD9656 Bare Metal Quick Start Guide

Xilinx Platform

This guide provides some quick instructions on how to setup the AD9656 on the ZCU102 carrier board.



No-OS Build Guide

NOTE: This build guide is valid for the projects found in the no-OS/projects folder. If your project resides elsewhere under the no-OS repository tree, it is a legacy project. A build guide for legacy projects can be found Build no-OS with GNU make.

Clone NO-OS with the --recursive flag:

git clone --recursive

If however you've already cloned NO-OS without the --recursive flag, you may initialize all the submodules in an existing NO-OS clone with:

git submodule update --recursive --init

Build Prerequisites

Prior to building a no-OS project, it is required to set up some environment variables so that the build process may find the necessary tools (compiler, linker, SDK etc.).

Use the following commands to prepare your environment for building no-OS projects:

Linux (Click to expand)

Linux (Click to expand)

Make sure the GNU Make version you are using is >= 4.2.

Intel (Click to expand)

Intel (Click to expand)

Assuming the SDK is installed at this path:

└── intelFPGA
    └── 18.1


$ source no-OS/tools/scripts/platform/intel/ /path/to/intel/intelFPGA 18.1

Xilinx (Click to expand)

Xilinx (Click to expand)

Assuming the Vitis 2022.2 is installed at this path:

├── DocNav
├── Downloads
└── Vitis
    └── 2022.2


$ source /path/to/xilinx/Vitis/2022.2/

STM32 (Click to expand)

STM32 (Click to expand)

  • Install stm32cubeide to default location /opt/stm32cubeide. If you'd rather install it at a different location, run export STM32CUBEIDE=/path/to/your/stm32cubeide in the terminal used for building.
  • Install stm32cubemx to default location /opt/stm32cubemx. If you'd rather install it at a different location, run export STM32CUBEMX=/path/to/your/stm32cubemx in the terminal used for building.
  • Currently we are testing projects with CubeMx Version 6.5.0, but other versions should work as well.
  • Install java (openjdk-17), sed and head (if not already present, they normally are).
  • Install python (if not already present) and make sure python command executes Python3 (not Python2). This can be easily achieved by running the following command sudo apt install python-is-python3.

Maxim (Click to expand)

Maxim (Click to expand)

  • Install the Maxim Micros SDK.
  • Set the MAXIM_LIBRARIES environment variable to the MaximSDK/Libraries path (the default should be ~/MaximSDK/Libraries).
  • For visual debugging and building, install Visual Studio Code, and the Cortex-Debug extension.

Mbed (Click to expand)

Mbed (Click to expand)

  • Install Mbed CLI 1 as per guide here: .Usually the following steps should be sufficient: sudo apt install python3 python3-pip git mercurial gcc-arm-none-eabi and sudo python3 -m pip install mbed-cli pyelftools==0.29.
  • Configure the compiler location with Mbed CLI. This can be carried out by running the “mbed config -G GCC_ARM_PATH “path-to-your-gcc-compiler”” in Command Prompt.

Pico (Click to expand)

Pico (Click to expand)

  • Set the PICO_SDK_PATH environment variable to the pico-sdk cloned repository path.
  • Install the J-Link software
  • Set the JLINK_SERVER_PATH environment variable to the JLinkGDBServerCLExe path (the default path should be /opt/SEGGER/JLink/JLinkGDBServerCLExe).
  • For visual debugging and building, install Visual Studio Code, and the Cortex-Debug extension.

ADuCM3029 (Click to expand)

ADuCM3029 (Click to expand)

Please install all the necessary packs locally and then manually import them in CrossCore

Common Issues with environment setup:

  • Makefiles searches for the CCES_HOME in its default installation directory. It may happen that multiple version are installed and may not work. To select a CCES_HOME run export CCES_HOME=/opt/analog/cces/2.10.0

Windows (Click to expand)

Windows (Click to expand)

Open up a Git Bash as Administrator once and run the tools/scripts/ script. Close the window. You only need to do this once per Git Bash installation.
Use Git Bash (unelevated) for the rest of your development.

Xilinx (Click to expand)

Xilinx (Click to expand)

Assuming the Vitis 2022.2 is installed at this path:

├── DocNav
├── Downloads
└── Vitis
    └── 2022.2


$ export PATH=/c/Xilinx/Vitis/2022.2/bin:/c/Xilinx/Vitis/2022.2/gnu/aarch64/nt/aarch64-none/bin/:$PATH

Maxim (Click to expand)

Maxim (Click to expand)

  • Install the Maxim Micros SDK to a path without whitespaces like C:\MaximSDK.
  • Set the MAXIM_LIBRARIES environment variable by running: export MAXIM_LIBRARIES=/c/MaximSDK/Libraries.
  • (Optional) For visual debugging and building, install Visual Studio Code, and the Cortex-Debug extension.

ADuCM3029 (Click to expand)

ADuCM3029 (Click to expand)

Building a project

Go in the project directory that should be built.

Linux (Click to expand)

Linux (Click to expand)

$ cd no-OS/projects/project_name/
$ tree
├── builds.json
├── Makefile
├── src

Intel (Click to expand)

Intel (Click to expand)

Copy the .sof and .sopcinfo to the project folder.

$ ls
Makefile  profiles  src  system_bd.sopcinfo  adrv9009_a10gx.sof	
$ make

# Alternatively you may select a .sopcinfo file explicitly by:
$ make HARDWARE=path/to/system_bd.sopcinfo

Xilinx (Click to expand)

Xilinx (Click to expand)

Copy the .xsa in the project folder.

$ ls
Makefile  profiles  src system_top.xsa
$ make

# Alternatively you may select an .xsa file explicitly by:
$ make HARDWARE=path/to/file.xsa

Maxim (Click to expand)

Maxim (Click to expand)

To build a project, type:

make PLATFORM=maxim TARGET=...

The TARGET specifies the chip for which the project is built. If it is missing, max32660 will be used. At the moment, the available targets are: max32650, max32655, max32660, max32665, max32670, max32690 and max78000.

Mbed (Click to expand)

Mbed (Click to expand)

To build a project, type:

make PLATFORM=mbed

Pico (Click to expand)

Pico (Click to expand)

To build a project, type:

make PLATFORM=pico

STM32 (Click to expand)

STM32 (Click to expand)

Make sure you have the .ioc file in the project directory, then type:

$ make PLATFORM=stm32

If during the project generation you get a dialog saying that you are using an .ioc file generated with an old CubeMX version, click Continue. Migrate is also a valid option but only if you know what you are doing.

If you're trying to use an .ioc file generated with a newer CubeMX than the one installed on your machine, you will get a prompt that asks you to upgrade your installation to the new version, there is no other choice than to click OK and then manually upgrade.

ADuCM3029 (Click to expand)

ADuCM3029 (Click to expand)

The ADuCM3029 projects also contain a pinmux_config.c file which contains pin configuration instructions.

# build an ADuCM3029-only project
$ make

# if the platform autodetection picks the wrong platform, explicitly specify the PLATFORM
$ make PLATFORM=aducm3029

Windows (Click to expand)

Windows (Click to expand)

Use Git Bash to run these commands.
$ cd no-OS/projects/project_name

It should contain make-related files and source files:

├── builds.json
├── Makefile
├── src

Xilinx (Click to expand)

Xilinx (Click to expand)

Copy the .xsa to the project folder and run:

├── Makefile
├── profiles
├── src
└── system_top.xsa

$ make

Maxim (Click to expand)

Maxim (Click to expand)

To build a project, type:

$ make PLATFORM=maxim TARGET=...

The TARGET specifies the chip for which the project is built. If it is missing, max32660 will be used. At the moment, the available targets are: max32650, max32655, max32660, max32665, max32670, max32690 and max78000.

ADuCM3029 (Click to expand)

ADuCM3029 (Click to expand)

$ export PLATFORM=aducm3029
$ make

The build process creates a build directory in the project folder:

├── app
├── bsp
├── obj
├── project_name.elf
└── tmp


Once the .elf, .hex or .bin file has been generated, make sure the board is powered on, JTAG cable connected and use the following commands to upload the program to the board or debug.

Uploading the binary to target is generically achieved with:

$ make run

Xilinx (Click to expand)

Xilinx (Click to expand)

For Xilinx project you can flash the board connected to a remote host. On the remote host make sure to start `hw_server`. On your development environment run

$ export XSCT_REMOTE_HOST=<remote host ip>
$ export XSCT_REMOTE_PORT=<remote host hw_server port>
$ make run

By default the `hw_server` port should be 3121.

Use the following command to launch the SDK associated to the used platform in order to be able to debug graphically by clicking the debug button:

$ make sdkopen

Fore more details about the available make rules, check out this page.

Running/Debugging in WSL

17 Mar 2021 10:27 · Darius B

Software setup

Build no-OS with GNU make

This guide provides some quick instructions on how to build and run the no-OS on almost all of the supported platforms.

Be sure you are using the latest release version and you have the corresponding branches for both HDL and no-OS(Release notes).

Building the HDL

ADI does not distribute the bit/elf files of these projects. They must be built from the sources. The HDL User Guide provides detailed information and steps to build the HDL project on your desired carrier. The build flow is developed around GNU make. You may use a Windows or Linux OS, but do NOT seek OS- specific support. The prerequisite to the building process is that you are able to run 'quartus', 'vivado' and 'make' all from a shell (Cygwin or Linux).

Building the HDL is as simple as running make on your desired project and carrier.

hdl/projects/daq3/kcu105> make
hdl/projects/daq3/zc706> make
For Intel nios2 based processor projects you have to turn off the MMU (Memory Management Unit used for Linux OS) when building the HDL.
hdl/projects/daq3/a10gx> make MMU=0

We strongly recommend having a clone of no-Os and HDL in the same folder:


In every project folder, you can find a separate subfolder for each supported carrier. In each carrier folder, there is a Makefile which points to the bit files and HDL deliverables (system_top.hdf/project_name.sof) and other makefiles (*.mk) containing the software dependencies.

Building the software

Change your current directory to your targeted project and run make:

  [~] cd fmcdaq2/zc706 
  [~] make

See Troubleshooting section for guideline how to solve make related issues.

Running the software

Make sure that the FPGA is powered on and connected to the PC and then run the command:

  [~] make run

The make run will downloads the bitstream on the FPGA and after that program the board with the elf file.

The software is started before the memory debugger disconnects.

Evaluating the result

After the software has been run on the FPGA, run the command:

  [~] make capture

By default, the software captures (in case of ADC based projects) the data received from the device in the RAM.

  rx_xfer.start_address = *_MEM_BASEADDR + OFFSET;
  rx_xfer.no_of_samples = value;

These values differ depending on the architecture and device.

The Makefiles have these parameters initialized with default values:

The number of samples is specified in the project's common Makefile. (ex: fmcadc4)

The script will write a capture_chx.csv file for every channel.
In the case of an RF device which has I and Q data for each channel, the number of capture_chx.csv files will double.

For example, for fmcomms2(AD9361: 2RF channels):

channel1 data I capture_ch1.csv
data Q capture_ch2.csv
channel2 data I capture_ch3.csv
data Q capture_ch4.csv

Clean the workspace

  [~] make clean


  make: *** No rule to make target `../../../hdl/projects/daq2/vc707/daq2_vc707.sdk/system_top.hdf', needed by `hw/system_top.bit'.  Stop.

The HDL deliverables cannot be found. Maybe the targeted HDL project is not built, or the defined path is not valid. Make sure, that you build the HDL before running the no-OS or specify the location of the HDL deliverables explicitly.

  • Specify HDL location:

For Xilinx

  [~] make HARDWARE=/<path_to_hdf>/system_top.hdf

For Intel

  [~] make M_SOPCINFO_FILE=/<path_to_sopcinfo>/system_bd.sopcinfo

Understanding/Modifying things

The best place to start in the no-OS main function in “project/project_name.c”. It shows how individual components of a data path chain are initialized and programmed for the application. After you have the default setup working, feel free to add your own customization routines and/or signal processing functions to either HDL or no-OS.

Navigation - Build no-OS with GNU make

13 Mar 2018 16:39 · Andrei Grozav


  • Open Xilinx Software Development Kit (XSDK) and provide the workspace location.
  • Create a new Application Project: go to File → New → Application Project

Creating a new application project

  • Create a new Hardware Platform: click New from the Target Hardware section

Creating a new hardware platform

Import hardware description file

  • Give a name to the project and to the board support package and click Next

Application project settings

  • Select the Empty Application templeta and click Finish

Choose application template

  • The new Empty Application project should look like:

Empty application project

Some applications (e.g. FMCOMMSx), when a Microblaze processor is used, requires an increased HEAP size for dynamic memory allocation. Make sure the HEAP size is at least 0x100000.
  • Copy the source code files into the src directory
  • Make sure you uncomment the the required carrier vendor and CPU architecture from the app_config.h (or config.h) header file.
  • Example for choosing the Altera carrier in the app_config.h header file:
//#define XILINX
#define ALTERA
  • If there are multiple folders present in in the src one, include all the paths of the folders: go to the settings of the project and in the C/C++ Build → Settings → Tool Settings → gcc compiler → Directories section and add the paths of all the folders.
  • The SDK should automatically build the projects and the Console window will display the result of the build. If the build is not done automatically select the Project → Build Automatically menu option.
  • At this point the software project setup is complete, the FPGA can be programmed and the software can be downloaded into the system. You can program the FPGA by clicking on Xilinx Tools → Program FPGA
  • After the FPGA was programmed, we need to create a new Run configuration, by selecting RunRun Configurations…, in the Run Configuration windows select the Xilinx C/C++ application (System Debugger) and click at the New Configuration button at the upper left corner.

Create new run configuration

  • If your target carrier has a Zync SoC, make sure, that you specify the Initialization file, and select the Run ps7_init and Run ps7_post_config options.

Define Zynq initialization file

  • At the Application tab define your current project name and application executable. (.elf)

Define Zynq initialization file

  • The output of the example program can be viewed in the SDK console by enabling the Connect STDIO Console option and setting the baud rate of the UART port to 115200.

Define Zynq initialization file

  • As an alternative a UART terminal can be used to capture the output of the example program. The number of used UART port depends on the computer's configuration. The following settings must be used in the UART terminal:
  • Baud Rate: 115200bps
  • Data: 8 bit
  • Parity: None
  • Stop bits: 1 bit
  • Flow Control: none
  • When the run configuration is done, the software can be started by clicking the Run button.
  • Your new bare metal application should run
27 Feb 2015 14:57 · Istvan Csomortani

More information

resources/eval/user-guides/ad9656/software/baremetal.txt · Last modified: 17 Mar 2021 11:36 by Darius B