
This version is outdated by a newer approved version.DiffThis version (02 Mar 2022 15:31) was approved by Robin Getz.The Previously approved version (26 May 2021 19:20) is available.Diff

This is an old revision of the document!

Customizing the Pluto configuration

If you are already on a 192.168.2.* network

In RFC 1918 the Internet Engineering Task Force has directed the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority to reserve the IPv4 address range the 192.168.*.* (and others) for private networks. Analog Devices picked the 192.168.2.* subnet for it's private network for host to PlutoSDR devices, but there isn't anything stopping other people (including yourself) to be running a real network on the 192.168.2.* subnet.

It's a quick update to change the PlutoSDR network settings, which is described below.

Multiple devices

When using multiple PlutoSDR devices on the same host, there are a few options:

  • usb mode via libiio, no changes are required, and things will work out of the box
  • network mode, where changes to the network settings are required (more below).

In network mode, the default configuration is to have an IP address for the host (, and the actual PlutoSDR device ( As one can expect - IP addresses are expected to be unique, and the default configuration works well when you have one device, but not as well when you have multiple.

In order to use multiple devices, you must change their IP address. This is managed by updating the config.txt file on the PlutoSDR mass storage device.

# Device Configuration File
# Edit, Save and then Eject the USB Drive

hostname = pluto
ipaddr =
ipaddr_host =
netmask =

It's a simple matter of updating the [NETWORK] settings of the PlutoSDR ipaddr (default is, and your host PC settings ipaddr_host (default of ip_addr and ipaddr_host must be unique, and must be on the same subnet. Separate Plutos on the same machine must be assigned different subnets. It's not recommended to use the real internet subnet. After saving the file back to the PlutoSDR mass storage device, simply eject (not unplug) the PlutoSDR mass storage device from your host.


There is a Avahi deamon running on the PlutoSDR. Avahi is a free Zero-configuration networking (zeroconf) implementation, including a system for multicast DNS/DNS-SD service discovery. If your hostname is unique and your host is zeroconf enabled, you can simply connect to your PlutoSDR using hostname.local.

michael@mhenneri-D04:~$ iio_info -n pluto.local
Library version: 0.9 (git tag: f7cde8f)
Compiled with backends: local xml ip usb
IIO context created with network backend.
Backend version: 0.9 (git tag: v0.9   )
Backend description string: Linux (none) 4.6.0-25369-g51ebbb9 #120 SMP PREEMPT Thu Apr 6 09:04:26 CEST 2017 armv7l
IIO context has 2 attributes:
	local,kernel: 4.6.0-25369-g51ebbb9
IIO context has 5 devices:


Host issues

The Zeroconf implementation for Linux Avahi, implements IPv4LL, mDNS and DNS-SD. It is part of most Linux distributions, and is installed by default on some. If you end up with weird errors, it's a simple matter of making sure it is installed:

rgetz@brain:~$ sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon avahi-utils

If you are on Windows, it's a little trickier. The Windows default implementation of zeroconf implements the Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) standard/protocol. However, LLMNR isn't supported by the Linux Avahi running on the PlutoSDR, so you may need to install something that supports the protocols supported by Avahi. A few popular applications slip it in for their own needs, including Skype, Apple’s iTunes and Adobe Photoshop CS3 or later. So you might not need to add anything at all, or you might need to install one of those applications. There are some great instructions at AdaFruit for those needed this.

Once everything is installed, you should be able to use pluto.local as the hostname.

rgetz@brain:~/github/libiio$ ping pluto.local
PING pluto.local ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.208 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.387 ms
--- pluto.local ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.208/0.297/0.387/0.091 ms

Changing the hostname in the config file:

# Device Configuration File
# Edit, Save and then Eject the USB Drive

hostname = fm_radio_antenna

will allow you to use fm_radio_antenna.local as the hostname:

rgetz@brain:~/github/libiio$ iio_attr -u ip:fm_radio_antenna.local -C
IIO context with 5 attributes:
hw_model: Analog Devices PlutoSDR Rev.A (Z7010-AD9363)
hw_serial: 1000002355237309001600070902169101
ad9361-phy,xo_correction: 40000000
local,kernel: 4.6.0-08871-g6297a9e

To find the IP number, if you know the name, try:

analog@imhotep:~$ avahi-resolve --name pluto.local

If you have multiple radios on the your network, and you want to find out the IP address of them, the pluto devices advertise an ssh and sftp-ssh servers :

analog@imhotep:~$ avahi-browse -d local _ssh._tcp --resolve -t
+   wlo1 IPv4 pluto                                         SSH Remote Terminal  local
=   wlo1 IPv4 pluto                                         SSH Remote Terminal  local
   hostname = [pluto.local]
   address = []
   port = [22]
   txt = []
analog@imhotep:~$ avahi-browse -d local _sftp-ssh._tcp --resolve -t
+   wlo1 IPv4 pluto                                         SFTP File Transfer   local
=   wlo1 IPv4 pluto                                         SFTP File Transfer   local
   hostname = [pluto.local]
   address = []
   port = [22]
   txt = []

Config File ACTIONS

diagnostic_report = 0
dfu = 0
reset = 0

This section allows the user to perform certain [ACTIONS] The procedure is always the same. The config.txt file is edited using your favorite editor. Then the file is saved, finally the drive is ejected. (Not unplugged) After 2-3 seconds the drive reappears and may have some new file indicating some status.

Diagnostic Report

Setting this to 1 will generate a file called diagnostic_report, which contains various status information about the system and the Hardware.

The information contained in this report can be used to asses and debug system problems or failures. In order to guarantee fast and precise support it is recommended to always include a diagnostic when reporting a problem.


Setting this to 1 will put the system into DFU mode. Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU) is a vendor- and device-independent mechanism for upgrading the firmware of USB devices.


Setting this to 1 simply resets and reboots the device.

Updating to the AD9364

RF Transceiver LO tuning range Bandwidth Number Channels
AD9363 (Default ADALM-PLUTO) 325 - 3800 MHz 20 MHz 2 Rx, 2 Tx
AD9364 70 - 6000 MHz 56 MHz 1 Rx, 1 Tx
AD9361 70 - 6000 MHz 56 MHz 2 Rx, 2 Tx

There were some early PlutoSDR devices which use the AD9364, which is nearly identical to the AD9363 used the production builds. If you have one of the AD9364 based PlutoSDR devices, it's a quick matter of using the U-Boot's fw_printenv and fw_setenv commands to get that device's larger tuning range (70-6000 MHz) and larger bandwidth (56MHz).

From your favorite serial application (Windows, Linux or macos), just open a serial connection (or ssh to, Windows, Linux or macos) to the PlutoSDR. The username is root and the password is analog.

fw_setenv takes a name and value pair. Depending on the revision of firmware/hardware that you have, different name and values are enabled.

Revision B / All Firmware versions

Control Default min FW
HW Rev name value pairs configuration meaning

Tuning Range Y All B/C attr_name <blank>
attr_val <blank>
tuning range is 325 - 3800 MHz
1r1t or 2r2t

All B/C attr_name compatible
attr_val ad9364
tuning range is 70 - 6000 MHz
1r1t only

0.32 C attr_name compatible
attr_val ad9361
tuning range is 70 - 6000 MHz
1r1t or 2r2t

Number of channels Y 0.32 B/C mode 1r1t 1 Rx, 1 Tx, 61.44 MSPS max data rate

0.32 C mode 2r2t 2 Rx, 2 Tx, 30.72 MSPS max data rate
(requires ad9363 or AD9361 settings)

To learn more about how these are managed, and other settings, check out the Boot Magic Explained docs.


This will be the default (based on the AD9363):

This specifies any shell prompt running on the target. The # is the prompt, and the bold is what you type

# fw_printenv attr_name
## Error: "attr_name" not defined
# fw_printenv attr_val
## Error: "attr_val" not defined

To change things to the AD9364 configuration:

This specifies any shell prompt running on the target. The # is the prompt, and the bold is what you type

# fw_setenv attr_name compatible
# fw_setenv attr_val ad9364
# reboot

Starting with PlutoSDR firmware revision v0.32 an additional variable should be set:

This specifies any shell prompt running on the target. The # is the prompt, and the bold is what you type

# fw_setenv compatible ad9364
# reboot

Note that when setting the mode of a Rev. C PlutoSDR to 2r2t, the following would be sequence of commands:

This specifies any shell prompt running on the target. The # is the prompt, and the bold is what you type

# fw_setenv attr_name compatible
# fw_setenv attr_val ad9361
# fw_setenv compatible ad9361
# fw_setenv mode 2r2t
# reboot

To learn more about resetting, check out the developer documentation.

After rebooting the device, this is what the AD9364 configuration looks like:

This specifies any shell prompt running on the target. The # is the prompt, and the bold is what you type

Welcome to Pluto
pluto login: root
Password: analog
# fw_printenv attr_name
# fw_printenv attr_val

Changing the root password on the target

In PlutoSDR firmware version v0.32 and later there are three new command/scripts, facilitating persistent SSH key and password changes.

The first time you want to use this new feature you need to format/erase the mtd2 partition. Please use the device_format_jffs2 command for that. On M2k this command is not included, since the partition is already formatted, and device calibration values are stored here already.

This specifies any shell prompt running on the target. The # is the prompt, and the bold is what you type

# device_format_jffs2
Are you sure to delete/format your mtd2 JFFS2 partition? (yes/no) yes
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 0 --  0 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 10000 --  7 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 20000 -- 14 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 30000 -- 21 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 40000 -- 28 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 50000 -- 35 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 60000 -- 42 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 70000 -- 50 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 80000 -- 57 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 90000 -- 64 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ a0000 -- 71 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ b0000 -- 78 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ c0000 -- 85 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ d0000 -- 92 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ d0000 -- 100 % complete 

After this is done you can use the device_passwd command to permanently change the password. This script/command calls the Linux passwd command and stores all user/password related files on mtd2 (JFFS2). The next time the system boots it will check all the MD5 sums and then uses this password instead.

This specifies any shell prompt running on the target. The # is the prompt, and the bold is what you type

# device_passwd 
Changing password for root
New password: 
Bad password: too short
Retype password: 
passwd: password for root changed by root

Note: In case you forgot your password, there a mechanism which allows you to revert to the default password using the config.txt file on the mass storage device. Add revert_passwd = 1 under the [ACTIONS] sections, then follow the procedure described here: Config File ACTIONS

Enabling persistent SSH keys

In PlutoSDR firmware version v0.32 and later there are three new command/scripts, facilitating persistent SSH key and password changes.

The first time you want to use this new feature you need to format/erase the mtd2 partition. Please use the device_format_jffs2 command for that. On M2k this command is not included, since the partition is already formatted, and device calibration values are stored here already.

This specifies any shell prompt running on the target. The # is the prompt, and the bold is what you type

# device_format_jffs2
Are you sure to delete/format your mtd2 JFFS2 partition? (yes/no) yes
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 0 --  0 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 10000 --  7 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 20000 -- 14 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 30000 -- 21 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 40000 -- 28 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 50000 -- 35 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 60000 -- 42 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 70000 -- 50 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 80000 -- 57 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ 90000 -- 64 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ a0000 -- 71 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ b0000 -- 78 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ c0000 -- 85 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ d0000 -- 92 % complete flash_erase:  Cleanmarker Updated.
Erasing 64 Kibyte @ d0000 -- 100 % complete 

After this is done you can use the device_persistent_keys command to permanently store your private SSH dropbear keys. This script/command copies the current key or generates one, which is now stored on mtd2 (JFFS2). The next time the system boots it will check the MD5 sum and then uses this key instead.

This specifies any shell prompt running on the target. The # is the prompt, and the bold is what you type

# device_persistent_keys 
Generating 256 bit ecdsa key, this may take a while...
Public key portion is:
ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBH+cMtkirbmWjOq+EjW0Lzir5LVuWXFwRTOMOnb0eWo
Fingerprint: sha1!! 10:9c:40:18:f8:e3:10:f1:c8:62:ba:8d:27:48:1b:35:16:8d:a5:f5

Changing the USB Ethernet Compatibility Mode

Starting with PlutoSDR Firmware version v0.33, M2k (v0.27) there is now support for selecting the USB Ethernet Compatibility Mode by setting/changing the usb_ethernet_mode variable.

Windows Linux MacOS iPadOS Android

The platform you are testing on - needs to support high power USB 2.0 devices (500mA). (iPad will support, iPhone will not).

Mode Value
RNDIS rndis (or blank)

There are two methods to set the compatibility mode

  1. Using the Config File (config.txt).
  2. Setting the u-boot environment variable directly.

Config File

# Device Configuration File
# Edit, Save and then Eject the USB Drive

xo_correction = 
udc_handle_suspend = 0
# USB Communication Device Class Compatibility Mode [rndis|ncm|ecm]
usb_ethernet_mode = ncm

u-boot environment

This specifies any shell prompt running on the target. The # is the prompt, and the bold is what you type

# fw_setenv usb_ethernet_mode ncm
# reboot

university/tools/pluto/users/customizing.1646231046.txt.gz · Last modified: 02 Mar 2022 15:24 by Robin Getz