
This version (24 Feb 2020 16:31) was approved by Robin Getz.The Previously approved version (01 Oct 2018 21:01) is available.Diff


iio_attr is part of the Libiio package, a library that has been developed to ease the development of software interfacing Linux Industrial I/O (IIO) devices. There are four main userspace helper/utilities:

  • iio_attr : read and write IIO attributes
  • iio_info : dump the IIO attributes
  • iio_readdev : read an IIO buffer device
  • iio_writedev : write an IIO buffer device
  • iio_reg : read or write SPI or I2C registers in an IIO device (useful to debug drivers)

analog@imhotep:~$ iio_attr -h
        iio_attr [OPTION]...    -d [device] [attr] [value]
                                -c [device] [channel] [attr] [value]
                                -B [device] [attr] [value]
                                -D [device] [attr] [value]
                                -C [attr]
        -h, --help           : Show this help and quit.
        -I, --ignore-case    : Ignore case distinctions.
        -q, --quiet          : Return result only.
        -a, --auto           : Use the first context found.
Optional qualifiers:
        -u, --uri            : Use the context at the provided URI.
        -i, --input-channel  : Filter Input Channels only.
        -o, --output-channel : Filter Output Channels only.
Attribute types:
        -s, --scan-channel   : Filter Scan Channels only.
        -d, --device-attr    : Read/Write device attributes
        -c, --channel-attr   : Read/Write channel attributes.
        -C, --context-attr   : Read IIO context attributes.
        -B, --buffer-attr    : Read/Write buffer attributes.
        -D, --debug-attr     : Read/Write debug attributes.


Look at Context Attributes

rgetz@brain:~/github/libiio$ iio_attr -a -C
Using auto-detected IIO context at URI "usb:3.8.5"
IIO context with 14 attributes:
hw_model: Analog Devices PlutoSDR Rev.B (Z7010-AD9364)
hw_model_variant: 0
hw_serial: 104473222a87000618000600473ed57ae0
fw_version: v0.31
ad9361-phy,xo_correction: 40000000
ad9361-phy,model: ad9364
local,kernel: 4.14.0-42540-g387d584
usb,idVendor: 0456
usb,idProduct: b673
usb,release: 2.0
usb,vendor: Analog Devices Inc.
usb,product: PlutoSDR (ADALM-PLUTO)
usb,serial: 104473222a87000618000600473ed57ae0

List Devices in a Context

rgetz@brain:~/github/libiio$ iio_attr -u usb:3.8.5 -d
IIO context has 5 devices:
	iio:device0: adm1177, found 0 device attributes
	iio:device1: ad9361-phy, found 18 device attributes
	iio:device2: xadc, found 1 device attributes
	iio:device3: cf-ad9361-dds-core-lpc, found 0 device attributes
	iio:device4: cf-ad9361-lpc, found 0 device attributes

rgetz@brain:~/github/libiio$ iio_attr -u usb:3.8.5 -c
IIO context has 5 devices:
	iio:device0: adm1177, found 2 channels
	iio:device1: ad9361-phy, found 9 channels
	iio:device2: xadc, found 10 channels
	iio:device3: cf-ad9361-dds-core-lpc, found 6 channels
	iio:device4: cf-ad9361-lpc, found 2 channels

List Channel attributes

the . can be used as a wildcard if you don't know the name.

rgetz@brain:~/github/libiio$ iio_attr -u ip: -c adm1177 .
dev 'adm1177', channel 'voltage0' (input), attr 'raw', value '771'
dev 'adm1177', channel 'voltage0' (input), attr 'scale', value '6.433105468'
dev 'adm1177', channel 'current0' (input), attr 'raw', value '776'
dev 'adm1177', channel 'current0' (input), attr 'scale', value '0.516601562'

Read a channel attributes

rgetz@brain:~/github/libiio$ iio_attr -u ip: -c ad9361-phy RX_LO
dev 'ad9361-phy', channel 'altvoltage0' (output), id 'RX_LO', attr 'external', value '0'
dev 'ad9361-phy', channel 'altvoltage0' (output), id 'RX_LO', attr 'fastlock_load', value '0'
dev 'ad9361-phy', channel 'altvoltage0' (output), id 'RX_LO', attr 'fastlock_recall', ERROR: Invalid argument (-22)
dev 'ad9361-phy', channel 'altvoltage0' (output), id 'RX_LO', attr 'fastlock_save', value '0 242,198,163,125,228,163,171,195,167,187,179,163,241,167,187,167'
dev 'ad9361-phy', channel 'altvoltage0' (output), id 'RX_LO', attr 'fastlock_store', value '0'
dev 'ad9361-phy', channel 'altvoltage0' (output), id 'RX_LO', attr 'frequency', value '2400000000'
dev 'ad9361-phy', channel 'altvoltage0' (output), id 'RX_LO', attr 'frequency_available', value '[70000000 1 6000000000]'
dev 'ad9361-phy', channel 'altvoltage0' (output), id 'RX_LO', attr 'powerdown', value '0'

rgetz@brain:~/github/libiio$ iio_attr -u ip: -c ad9361-phy RX_LO frequency
dev 'ad9361-phy', channel 'altvoltage0' (output), id 'RX_LO', attr 'frequency', value '2400000000'

Write to a channel attribute

rgetz@brain:~/github/libiio$ iio_attr -u ip: -c ad9361-phy RX_LO frequency 2400000100
dev 'ad9361-phy', channel 'altvoltage0' (output), id 'RX_LO', attr 'frequency', value '2400000000'
wrote 11 bytes to frequency
dev 'ad9361-phy', channel 'altvoltage0' (output), id 'RX_LO', attr 'frequency', value '2400000100'

resources/tools-software/linux-software/libiio/iio_attr.txt · Last modified: 24 Feb 2020 16:31 by Robin Getz