
This version (15 Nov 2021 12:30) was approved by Nikhin Shetty.The Previously approved version (24 Jun 2020 11:58) is available.Diff

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Save Project

This action takes in one argument(filePath) and allows the user to save a SigmaStudio+ project in the given filepath. This API returns the SSPResult type.


SSPResult SaveProject(string filePath)


  1. filePath - The path along with the file name of the project where the given SigmaStudio+ project must be saved


SSPResult contains 'IsSuccess' flag and 'Message' information of the SaveProject action.

  1. IsSuccess is 'True' if the save project was successful else 'False'.
  2. Message contains the Success/Failure information in the form of list of string.
resources/tools-software/sigmastudiov2/usingsigmastudio/scripting/saveproject.txt · Last modified: 15 Nov 2021 12:30 by Nikhin Shetty