
This version (15 Nov 2021 12:25) was approved by Nikhin Shetty.The Previously approved version (25 Jun 2020 07:31) is available.Diff

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Move Shape

This action allows the user to move a specified shape on the parent canvas or schematic page to a given position.The function call takes in 2 arguments. Return type is a SSPResult which contains a IsSuccess flag for success/failure and Message in the form of list of strings.


SSPResult MoveShape(string shapeUid, Position newPosition)


  1. shapeUid- Uid of the plugin to be moved.
  2. newPosition -Position in the form of (double X, double Y) coordinates of the canvas.


SSPResult contains 'IsSuccess' flag and 'Message' information for the MoveShape action.

  1. IsSuccess is 'True' if the shape moved successfully, else 'False'.
  2. Message contains the Success/Failure information in the form of list of string.

resources/tools-software/sigmastudiov2/usingsigmastudio/scripting/moveshape.txt · Last modified: 15 Nov 2021 09:48 by Nikhin Shetty