
This version (08 Feb 2021 06:29) was approved by Venkatesan Krishnamoorthy.The Previously approved version (30 Jun 2017 11:25) is available.Diff

FIR Filter Pool

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The FIR Filter Pool module is an enhanced version of the standard FIR filter allowing users to select an input and a FIR coefficient set and route the selected input through the coefficient set to a particular output. It also enables the user to invert the output and reverse the coefficient set. The module also enables the user to define custom filter and input labels using the filter pool form.

Input Pins

NameFormat [int/dec/float] - [control/audio]Function Description
Pin 0: Inputdecimal(ADAU145x)- audio
float(214xx) - audio
Input signal to be filtered

Output Pins

NameFormat [int/dec/float] - [control/audio]Function Description
Pin 0: Outputdecimal(ADAU145x)- audio
float(214xx) - audio
The filtered output

Grow Algorithm

The module supports growth functionality. Add is not supported.

GUI Controls

GUI Control NameDefault ValueRangeFunction Description
Tap Size1010-10000This pre/post scalar determines the number of taps of the FIR filter
Input Selection Combo box00-31This pre/post scalar determines the selected input for a particular output
Filter Selection Combo box00-15This pre/post scalar determines the selected FIR filter coefficient set for a particular output
Reverse Selection 00/1This pre/post scalar determines the if the selected FIR filter coefficient set for a particular output is to be reversed, the set is accessed in reverse order when the tiny circle is enabled(1)
Invert Selection 00/1This pre/post scalar determines the if the particular output is to be inverted, the output is inverted(-output) when the tiny circle is enabled(1)

DSP Parameter Information

GUI Control NameCompiler NameFunction Description
NumFiltModFirFiltPoolS300Alg1Numfilt_1(ADAU145x) FIRFiltPoolModBlkAlg1Numfilt_1(214xx)The Number of filter coefficient sets
TapSizeModFirFiltPoolS300Alg1TapSize_1(ADAU145x) FIRFiltPoolModBlkAlg1TapSize_1
The Number of filter taps in each coefficient set
InIndxModFirFiltPoolS300Alg1InIndx_1(ADAU145x) FIRFiltPoolModBlkAlg1InIndx_1(214xx)
The selected input index
FiltIndxModFirFiltPoolS300Alg1FIltIndx_1(ADAU145x) FIRFiltPoolModBlkAlg1FiltIndx_1(214xx)
The Selected filter coefficient set index
RevIndxModFirFiltPoolS300Alg1RevIndx_1(ADAU145x) FIRFiltPoolModBlkAlg1RevIndx_1(214xx)
The Selected Reverse Index, if set(value=1), the coefficient access order for filtering is reversed
InvIndxModFirFiltPoolS300Alg1InvIndx_1(ADAU145x) FIRFiltPoolModBlkAlg1InvIndx_1(214xx)
The Selected Invert Index, if set(value=1), the output value is negated
FirCoeffModFirFiltPoolS300Alg1FirCoeff1(ADAU145x) FIRFiltPoolModBlkAlg1FirCoeff1(214xx)
The Selected Filter Coefficient set


  • Green - Algorithm Name
  • Red - Instance Number (Changes for each instance)
  • Blue - Parameter Name
  • Brown - Stage number

Note: The algorithm names for different 214xx algorithms for this module are:
1.FIRFiltPoolModBlkAlg( for delay line location at outputs)
2.FIRFiltPoolIpBlkAlg(for delay line location at inputs)

Algorithm Description

FIR Filter Pool(ADAU145x)

The Algorithm implements a FIR filter of order N, having N+1 filter taps. Multiple coefficient sets can be added to the module, enabling the routing of multiple inputs through multiple independent FIR filters to a given output selection line. The FIR Filter Pool form has multiple tabs each having a particular routing selection and parameters between the inputs and outputs. The algorithm implements invert functionality which inverts the output samples and Reverse which access the loaded filter coefficient set in reverse for a particular selection.

The module also features options which allow the following configurations

  1. The FIR filter delay line can be allocated per input channel or per output channel. Right click on the cell to select this option, by default the delay lines are maintained per input. In configurations where the number of inputs are large compared to the number of outputs, the delay lines can be maintained per output by selecting this option.
  2. The FIR filter algorithm has a trade off between the memory and mips. The Optimize for MIPS/Memory option allows the algorithm to be optimized for either one of the parameters. By default the algorithm is optimized for MIPS.

FIR Filter Pool(ADSP-214xx, ADSP-SC5xx)

The Algorithm implements a FIR filter of order N, having N+1 filter taps. Multiple coefficient sets can be added to the module, enabling the routing of multiple inputs through multiple independent FIR filters to a given output selection line. The FIR Filter Pool form has multiple tabs each having a particular routing selection and parameters between the inputs and outputs. The algorithm implements invert functionality which inverts the output samples and Reverse which access the loaded filter coefficient set in reverse for a particular selection.

The module has two variants as shown below
The FIR filter delay line can be allocated per input channel or per output channel.The FIR Filter Pool module with delay line at input maintains a FIR delay line per input channel whereas the FIR filter pool module with delay line at output maintains a FIR delay line per output channel.In configurations where the number of inputs are large compared to the number of outputs, the delay lines can be maintained per output by choosing the module.


The example shows The module configured to two inputs and three output channels with three independent FIR Filter coefficient sets. The three coefficients are Low pass FIR filters with cutoffs 2.4KHz,4.8kHz and 7.2KHz. The output plots for the configuration are shown below.

Supported IC's

1. ADAU145x
2. ADSP-214XX
3. ADSP-213xx
4. ADSP-SC5xx

resources/tools-software/sigmastudio/toolbox/filters/firfilterpool.txt · Last modified: 08 Aug 2018 13:03 by Prasad Kamath