
This version (30 Mar 2021 14:36) was approved by Sammy Arschavir.The Previously approved version (29 Sep 2020 17:17) is available.Diff

Installing Linux On The Hardware

Linux on the ADSP-SC5xx can be configured to boot from various sources (flash, network, SD Card, USB). For the Getting Started Guide we will configure the system so that the U-Boot bootloader is installed into flash on the development board. Linux and the filesystem will be downloaded at boot time via TFTP from your host PC, and copied into RAM. This method of network boot is convenient when developing Linux as it provides an easy method to update the image that is booted onto the board.

The steps on this page require multiple terminal windows to be active. Take care to use the correct window for each step

Booting into U-Boot

First you should make sure the U-boot has been written into the flash. You should see the outputs after powering up the board

U-Boot 2015.01 ADI-YOCTO-1.0.0 (May 14 2020 - 19:26:23)

CPU:   ADSP ADSP-SC589-0.1 (Detected Rev: 1.1) (spi flash boot)
VCO: 450 MHz, Cclk0: 450 MHz, Sclk0: 112.500 MHz, Sclk1: 112.500 MHz, DCLK: 450 MHz
OCLK: 150 MHz
       Watchdog enabled
I2C:   ready
DRAM:  224 MiB
MMC:   SC5XX SDH: 0                                                                                                        
SF: Detected IS25LP512 with page size 256 Bytes, erase size 64 KiB, total 64 MiB                                           
In:    serial                                                                                                              
Out:   serial                                                                                                              
Err:   serial                                                                                                              
other init                                                                                                                 
Net:   dwmac.3100c000                                                                                                      
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0                                                                                           
sc #

If no output please refer this page Installing U-boot to build and write the U-Boot onto flash.

Boot Commands in U-Boot Environemt

When you run printenv in u-Boot console, there will be 4 boot methods in the U-boot.

  • nfsboot=tftp ${loadaddr} ${nfsfile};tftp ${dtbaddr} ${dtbfile};run nfsargs;run addip;bootz ${loadaddr} - ${dtbaddr}
  • norboot=tftp ${loadaddr} ${ramfile};tftp ${dtbaddr} ${dtbfile};run ramargs;run addip;bootz ${loadaddr} - ${dtbaddr}
  • ramboot=tftp ${loadaddr} ${ramfile};tftp ${dtbaddr} ${dtbfile};tftp ${initramaddr} ${initramfile};run ramargs;run addip;bootz ${loadaddr} ${initramaddr} ${dtbaddr}
  • ramboot_emmc=mmc rescan;mmc dev 0 0;ext2load mmc 0:1 ${loadaddr} /boot/${ramfile};ext2load mmc 0:1 ${dtbaddr} /boot/${dtbfile};ext2load mmc 0:1 ${initramaddr} /boot/${initramfile};run sdcardargs;run addi}
  • sdcardboot=mmc rescan;mmc dev 0 0;ext2load mmc 0:1 ${loadaddr} /boot/${ramfile};ext2load mmc 0:1 ${dtbaddr} /boot/${dtbfile};run sdcardargs;bootz ${loadaddr} - ${dtbaddr}

The default boot command is run ramboot.

Booting Linux

Currently ADI provides some deploy methods to load linux kernel and boot into console. The default deploy method is ramboot.

RAM Boot

In order to boot Linux, a copy of the image file should be copied into the /tftpboot directory. This file will be downloaded by U-Boot when the board begins to boot. In a console, in the build directory of your workspace issue the following commands:

$ cp tmp/deploy/images/<MACHINE>/zImage /tftpboot
$ cp tmp/deploy/images/<MACHINE>/<DTB_FILE> /tftpboot
$ cp tmp/deploy/images/<MACHINE>/<RAMDISK_FILE> /tftpboot/ramdisk.cpio.xz.u-boot

Where the macros in the above command are listed at the bottom of this page in Appendix.

Next, reboot the board and Linux will be downloaded to the target board and boot. When boot is successful you will be presented by the ADI logo and the login prompt:

sc # set serverip <SERVERIP>
sc # set ipaddr <BOARD_IP>
sc # dhcp
sc #
sc # boot 
sc # run ramboot
Starting syslogd/klogd: done
 * Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Daemon: avahi-daemon

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        Analog Devices Yocto Distribution
adsp-sc589-mini login: root
Password: adi

The default username is root and the password is adi.

NFS Boot

This boot method would finally use the Network File System which is stored in local Ubuntu Host. This is suggested when you do application development. For how to boot Linux via NFS, please refer to “How to Boot Linux From NFS”.

SD Card Boot

There are two kinds of boot commands for booting Linux from SD card.

Booting Linux using zImage, dtb file and ramdisk file which are stored in SD card
Booting Linux using zImage, dtb file and file system file which are stored in SD card

And please make sure there are 500 MB at least in SD card to store zImge, dtb and system file.

For how to boot Linux via SD card, please refer to “How to Boot Linux From SD Card

NOR Boot

Due to the limited flash size, currently we can only support NOR boot the Linux kernel image(zImage) and device tree file(dtb). Put the filesystem in local HOST or SD Card is suggested.

Appendix: Macro Definition

adsp-sc589-mini sc589-mini.dtb adsp-sc5xx-ramdisk-adsp-sc589-mini.cpio.xz.u-boot
adsp-sc589-ezkit sc589-ezkit.dtb adsp-sc5xx-ramdisk-adsp-sc589-ezkit.cpio.xz.u-boot
adsp-sc584-ezkit sc584-ezkit.dtb adsp-sc5xx-ramdisk-adsp-sc584-ezkit.cpio.xz.u-boot
adsp-sc573-ezkit sc573-ezkit.dtb adsp-sc5xx-ramdisk-adsp-sc573-ezkit.cpio.xz.u-boot

PREV: Building The Components HOME PAGE: Linux for ADSP-SC5xx Processors

resources/tools-software/linuxdsp/docs/quickstartguide/installing.txt · Last modified: 30 Mar 2021 14:36 by Sammy Arschavir