
This version (05 Jan 2021 05:34) was approved by Sanjeeva Reddy.The Previously approved version (10 Feb 2020 08:00) is available.Diff

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Sample Scripts for IScripted Interface

This page shows few sample script of how to use the Iscripted interface APIs in SigmaStudio scripting window.

Control Updates

The script below can be used to update various parameters in the schematic shown.

//------------------Linear Gain ----------------
//set gain of 'Gain1' module to 0.25
ss.ObjectSetProperties("setControlValue", "Gain1", 0, 0, "Gain", 0.25);
//set gain of 'Gain1_2' module to 0.15
ss.ObjectSetProperties("setControlValue", "Gain1_2", 0, 0, "Gain", 0.15);
//-------------------Delay ----------------------
// Set current delay to 10 in 'Delay1'
ss.ObjectSetProperties("setControlValue", "Delay1", 0, 0, "DelayValue", 10);
// Set current delay to 10 in 'Delay2'
ss.ObjectSetProperties("setControlValue", "Delay1_2", 0, 0, "DelayValue", 20);
//------------------ Param EQ ----
// Update frequency of first filter in 'Param EQ1 to 50
ss.ObjectSetProperties("setControlValue", "Param EQ1", 0, 0, "Frequency10", 50);
// Update frequency of second filter in 'Param EQ1 to 100
ss.ObjectSetProperties("setControlValue", "Param EQ1", 0, 0, "Frequency11", 100);
// Update frequency of 3rd filter in 'Param EQ1 to 200
ss.ObjectSetProperties("setControlValue", "Param EQ1", 0, 0, "Frequency12", 200);
// Update gain of first filter in 'Param EQ1 to 0.15
ss.ObjectSetProperties("setControlValue", "Param EQ1", 0, 0, "Gain10", 0.15);
// Update gain of second filter in 'Param EQ1 to 0.25
ss.ObjectSetProperties("setControlValue", "Param EQ1", 0, 0, "Gain11", 0.25);
// Update gain of 3rd filter in 'Param EQ1 to 0.75
ss.ObjectSetProperties("setControlValue", "Param EQ1", 0, 0, "Gain12", 0.75);
// As controls in pramaEQ is inside an another form, the following APIs to be called to download the changed parameters to the target. 
object paramEQ1Object = ss.GetCellObject("Param EQ1");
ss.ObjectGetMethod(paramEQ1Object, "PackDataAllControls").Invoke(paramEQ1Object, new object[]{});

Get Current Growth

The script below can be used to get current growth of modules in the schematic shown.

//Get Current Growth of 'ISIB1'
object[] output;
ss.ObjectGetProperties("getCurrentGrowth", "ISIB1", out output, 0);
//------------------General Filter----------------
//Get Current Growth of 'Gen Filter1'
ss.ObjectGetProperties("getCurrentGrowth", "Gen Filter1", out output, 0);
//Get Current Growth of 'Input1'
ss.ObjectGetProperties("getCurrentGrowth", "Input1", out output, 0);
//Get Current Growth of 'Output1'
ss.ObjectGetProperties("getCurrentGrowth", "Output1", out output, 0);

ICRegisterWrite And ICRegisterRead

The script below can be used to write and read the register without 'ICName' as a parameter.

// --------------- FIR Filter ---------------
byte[] _tableValues = new byte[40] {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02,
                                    0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02,
                                    0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02,
byte[] readValues;    
// ---------- ICRegisterWrite API ---------                               
ss.ICRegisterWrite( 40,_tableValues, 0, 112 ,0x001B, 2, 4, 0, 0);
// ---------- ICRegisterRead API ----------
ss.ICRegisterRead( 40, out readValues, 0, 112 ,0x001B, 2, 4, 0, 0);
// ---------- for loop for read values to print ---------- 
for(int i = 0; i < readValues.Length; i ++)
// Print the values byte by byte
// --------------- FIR Filter ---------------
byte[] _tableValues = new byte[40] {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02,
                                    0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02,
                                    0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02,
byte[] readValues;    
// ---------- ICRegisterWrite API ---------                               
ss.ICRegisterWrite( 40,_tableValues, 1, 0 ,0x0014, 2, 4, 0, 0);
// ---------- ICRegisterRead API ----------
ss.ICRegisterRead( 40, out readValues, 1, 0 ,0x0014, 2, 4, 0, 0);
// ---------- for loop for read values to print ---------- 
for(int i = 0; i < readValues.Length; i ++)
// Print the values byte by byte

Test the NxM Mixer (Linear)

FOllowing script creates a schematic for ADAU1467 with NxM mixer and tests its functionality for a given input/output configuration.

// Modify the below variables to create test NxM mixer for the particular input output configuration.
int inputs = 8;
int outputs = 4; 
//*********Local Vars*************//
double GainInc = 0.001;
double DCInc = 0.1;
double[] InputDCValues = new double[inputs];
double[] OutputReadBackValues = new double[outputs];
object[] DCModuleObjects = new object[inputs];
object[] RBModuleObjects = new object[outputs];
double[,] GainValues = new double[inputs, outputs];
double[] ActualResults = new double[outputs];
double[] ExpectedResults = new double[outputs];
HResult rest;
// Create Input Vectors. 
Object IcObject = ss.ObjectInsert("ADAU1467", 300, 100);
Object USBiObject = ss.ObjectInsert("USBi", 50, 100);
rest =ss.ObjectConnect("USB Interface", 0, "IC 1", 0);
int X = 300; 
int Y = 100; 
// Add cell and algorithm 
object MixerCellObject = ss.ObjectInsert("NxM Mixer (Linear)", X, Y);
rest = ss.ObjectSetProperties("addAlgorithm", MixerCellObject, "IC 1", "NxM Mixer Slew");
ss.PrintLine("Mixer Module Added");
// growth input and output
rest = ss.ObjectSetProperties("growAlgorithm", MixerCellObject, 0, inputs - 2, 0); // input growth
rest = ss.ObjectSetProperties("growAlgorithm", MixerCellObject, 0, outputs - 1, 1); // output growth
ss.PrintLine("Mixer Module Grown");
// Set gains for test
int index = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < inputs; i++)
	for (int j = 0; j < outputs; j++)
		GainValues[i, j] = index++ * GainInc;
		rest = ss.ObjectSetProperties("setControlValue","NxM Linear1", j, i , "Gain" + j +"_" + i, GainValues[i, j]);
// Add DC for the inputs
for (int i = 0; i < inputs; i++)
	object DCCellObject = ss.ObjectInsert("DC Input Entry", X - 100, Y + i * 100);	
	rest =ss.ObjectConnect(DCCellObject, 0, MixerCellObject, i);
	//ss.PrintLine("DC Module " + i + " Added");
	DCModuleObjects[i] = DCCellObject;
	InputDCValues[i] = (i + 1) * DCInc;	
	rest = ss.ObjectSetProperties("setControlValue", DCCellObject, 0, 0 , "DC", InputDCValues[i]);
// Add Readback for the outputs
for (int i = 0; i < outputs; i++)
	object RBCellObject = ss.ObjectInsert("DSP Readback", X + 100, Y + i * 100);	
	rest =ss.ObjectConnect(MixerCellObject, i, RBCellObject, 0);
	//ss.PrintLine("ReadBack Module " + i + " Added");
	RBModuleObjects[i] = RBCellObject;
// Download
bool isFailed = false;
for (int outIndx = 0; outIndx < outputs; outIndx++)
	// Find Address of readback params
	string[] names;
	int[] addresses;
	ss.ICGetParamNamesAndAddresses("IC 1", RBModuleObjects[outIndx], out names, out addresses);
	int RBModuleAddresse = addresses[0];
	// Calculate Expected result and compare with Actual Result.
	ExpectedResults[outIndx] = 0; 
	for (int inIndx = 0; inIndx < inputs; inIndx++)
		ExpectedResults[outIndx] += GainValues[inIndx, outIndx] * InputDCValues[inIndx];
	// Read Actual Result
	float valRead;
	ss.ICParameterRead("IC 1", RBModuleAddresse, 8, 24, out valRead);
	ActualResults[outIndx] = valRead;
	double error = System.Math.Abs(ExpectedResults[outIndx] - ActualResults[outIndx]);
	ss.PrintLine(System.String.Format("Out{0}: Expected = {1:0.00000000000000f}  Actual = {2:0.00000000000000f} Error = {3:0.00000000000000f}", outIndx, ExpectedResults[outIndx], ActualResults[outIndx],error ));
	if (error > 0.00001)
		isFailed = true;
if (isFailed)
	ss.PrintLine("Test failed");
	ss.PrintLine("Test Pass");

Control Updates for AutoEQ

The script below can be used to automate Auto EQ module.

ss.ObjectSetProperties("setControlValue", "Auto EQ1", 0, 0, "RespType_0", "Impulse");
ss.ObjectSetProperties("setControlValue", "Auto EQ1", 0, 0, "RespType_1", "Impulse");
ss.ObjectSetProperties("setControlValue", "Auto EQ1", 0, 0, "RespType_2", "Impulse");
ss.ObjectSetProperties("setControlValue", "Auto EQ1", 0, 0, "ResponseFile_0", "C:\\SSExampleSchematics\\S300\\AutoEQ\\Woofer.txt");
ss.ObjectSetProperties("setControlValue", "Auto EQ1", 0, 0, "ResponseFile_1", "C:\\SSExampleSchematics\\S300\\AutoEQ\\Mid 1.txt");
ss.ObjectSetProperties("setControlValue", "Auto EQ1", 0, 0, "ResponseFile_2", "C:\\SSExampleSchematics\\S300\\AutoEQ\\Tweeter.txt");
ss.ObjectSetProperties("setControlValue", "Auto EQ1", 0, 0, "TargetResponseCsv_0", "C:\\SSExampleSchematics\\S300\\AutoEQ\\TargetResponse.csv");
ss.ObjectSetProperties("setControlValue", "Auto EQ1", 0, 0, "DesignAll", true);
resources/tools-software/sigmastudio/usingsigmastudio/scripting/iscripted_samples.txt · Last modified: 04 Jan 2021 05:04 by Sanjeeva Reddy