
This version (18 May 2021 09:04) was approved by Nikhin Shetty.

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Gain Envelope


The Generic Gain Envelope algorithm has a fully programmable gain envelope. The envelope is accessible by clicking the cell’s icon. The length of the envelope is controlled by the Maximum Time control, which is set in milliseconds. Points on the curve can be moved by click-dragging. New points can be added by double-clicking. Points can be removed by right-clicking and selecting “remove point.” In this case, the point closest to the mouse cursor will be removed. The envelope must have at least 3 points. Point values can be fine-tuned using the text input boxes on the right side of the envelope control window. In Generic Gain Envelope, when the control input goes to 1, the gain envelope begins. When the control input goes to 0, the gain envelope stops, regardless of whether the envelope has completed or not.

In the case of the Generic Gain Envelope Alg EndlessLoop algorithm, the envelope will loop continuously until the control input goes to 0.


Selected Gain Envelope Type

  1. Generic Gain Envelope
  2. Gain Envelope EndlessLoop

Targets Supported

Name ADSP-214xx ADSP-215xx/SC5xx ADAU145x/146x
———————————————————— ——————-- ——————————-- —————————-
Gain Envelope B/S B/S S
Gain Envelope EndlessLoop B/S B/S S



EnvelopeControl Control Control Input
InputX Audio Input channel X


Output X Audio Output channel X


  • X - Channel Index

Configurable Parameters

GUI Parameter NameDefault ValueRangeFunction Description
Maximum Time1104 ms10 to 4400 msTime interval in ms
GainValue_PointN-100 dB-120 to 24 dBFine tuning of gain values of points in graph(N point count)
Time(ms)_PointN00 to Maximum TimeFine tuning of time in ms of points in graph(N point count)
NumChannels220Number of input channels. Change in this value requires re-compilation
GainEnvelopeTypeGeneric Gain EnvelopeNA Gain Envelope types. Change in this value requires re-compilation

DSP Parameters

Parameter Name Description ADSP-214xx/SC5xx/215xx ADAU145x/146x
—————————————- ——————————————————————————-- —————————————- —————————-
StartGainInitial gain valueFloat FixPoint8d24
GainPoints Time intervals of gain points Integer32Integer32
GainSlope scales the slope of gain points Float FixPoint8d24
numberofgainpoints gain points count NA Integer32
lowestgain lowest gain value NA FixPoint8d24

DSP Parameter Computation

StartGain = Math.Pow(10, (GainValue_Point[0] / 20))
lowestgain =0.00000025
numberofgainpoints = GainPoints count - 1

resources/tools-software/sigmastudiov2/modules/gain/gainenvelope.txt · Last modified: 07 May 2021 09:23 by Nikhin Shetty