
This version is outdated by a newer approved version.DiffThis version (07 Oct 2022 06:44) is a draft.
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Generic Time-Division Duplexing Controller

TDD (Time-Division Duplex) mode allows the user to control the time period of the receive and transmit bursts.

The generic TDD controller is in essence a waveform generator capable of addressing RF applications which require Time Division Duplexing, as well as controlling other modules of general applications through its dedicated 32 channel outputs.

The reason of creating the generic TDD controller was to reduce the naming confusion around the existing repurposed TDD core built for AD9361, as well as expanding its number of output channels for systems which require more than six controlling signals.


  • Up to 32 independent output channels
  • Start/stop time values per channel
  • Enable and polarity bit values per channel
  • 32 bit-max internal reference counter
  • Initial startup delay before waveform generation
  • Configurable frame length and number of frames per burst
  • 3 sources of synchronization: external, internal and software generated


Device Family LUTs FFs
Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ 990 2738


Name Description Top module SystemVerilog Package Register Map with CDC synchronizers Internal counters and FSM logic Channel waveform generator Synchronization pulse generator
axi_tdd_ip.tcl TCL script to generate the Vivado IP-integrator project
axi_tdd_hw.tcl TCL script to generate the Quartus IP-integrator project
cf_axi_tdd.c TDD Linux Driver
zynqmp-zcu102-rev10-ad9081-m8-l4-tdd.dts Device tree using TDD

Synthesis Configuration Parameters

Name Description Max value Default
ID Instance identification number - 0
CHANNEL_COUNT Number of channels 32 8
DEFAULT_POLARITY Initial channel polarity 32'hFFFFFFFF 8'h00
REGISTER_WIDTH Internal counter and register width 32 32
BURST_COUNT_WIDTH Burst counter width 32 32
SYNC_INTERNAL Enable support for internal sync signal 1 1
SYNC_EXTERNAL Enable support for external sync signal 1 0
SYNC_EXTERNAL_CDC Enable synchronization of external sync signal 1 0
SYNC_COUNT_WIDTH Sync generator counter width 64 64

Signal and Interface Pins

Name Type Description
s_axi_aclk Clock System clock
s_axi_aresetn Synchronous active low reset System reset
s_axi AXI-Lite bus slave Memory mapped AXI-Lite bus that provides access to module's register map
clk Clock Core clock
resetn Synchronous active low reset Core reset
sync_in input External synchronization input signal
sync_out output Module synchronization output signal
tdd_channel output Channels output

Register Map

Generic TDD Control (axi_tdd)

Click to expand regmap

Access Type Name Description
HR Hardware-reset Register field is reset by hardware.
R Read-only Reads will return the current register value. Writes have no effect.
RW Read-write Reads will return the current register value. Writes will change the current register value.
U Unimplemented Register field is unimplemented.

Theory of Operation

The central idea of the TDD controller is “frame”-based operation, i.e. all the timing defined for the individual channels is relative to the beginning of a frame. The FRAME_LENGTH value controls the length of a single frame, while the BURST_COUNT value controls how many frames should be played after enabling the device (a value of 0 means frames will be repeated indefinitely). Before the start of a burst, an optional startup delay is inserted, defined by the STARTUP_DELAY value in clock cycles.

This diagram tries to illustrate how the different channels can be enabled at different times relative to the beginning of a frame (to be updated)

While the above graphic shows all channels being enabled in a stacked manner, they are completely independent of each other!

Detailed description

In order to begin its operation, the peripheral must be enabled. This is done by setting the ENABLE bit. Next, the peripheral waits to receive a sync signal. There are 3 possible sync sources, which can be independently activated through their corresponding enabling bits: SYNC_INT, SYNC_EXT and SYNC_SOFT can all be active at the same time.

The external synchronization capability allows the alignment of frames between multiple devices in different locations, for example using a GPSDO 1 PPS output. The internal sync signal is generated based on a dedicated counter, when its value matches the one defined in SYNC_COUNTER_LOW / SYNC_COUNTER_HIGH. The software generated sync pulse is triggered at an arbitrary point in time when writing a ‘1’ value in SYNC_SOFT.

The next diagram shows the peripheral’s FSM, which transitions between 4 states: IDLE, ARMED, WAITING and RUNNING.

In case a synchronization signal is received while the TDD core is running, the signal can reset the internal counter to zero by setting SYNC_RST to ‘1’. This can alter the counter value in both WAITING or RUNNING states.

The generic TDD controller can have up to 32 output channels, each of them having its unique values when the channel is set/reset under CHX_ON / CHX_OFF. They are continuously compared to internal counter’s value while the core is RUNNING.

Every bit in CHANNEL_ENABLE / CHANNEL_POLARITY corresponds to a specific channel. The bit position is correlated to the channel index, so the LSB will always be associated with CH0 and the MSB with CH31.

The following registers will not be updated unless the peripheral is disabled:

  • CHX_ON

The user should configure them before enabling the peripheral. Any subsequent write while the peripheral is enabled will be ignored.

An exception to this rule is CHANNEL_ENABLE, which allows enabling / disabling independent channels on-the-fly. The new value will come into effect only when in ARMED state or at the end of a frame. CONTROL can also be modified on-the-fly with immediate effect (after going through the synchronization stage).

STATUS can be used for debugging purposes, reflecting the current peripheral state.

By adapting the synthesis parameters to the application requirements, the module is highly flexible and can substantially reduce resource utilization.

Linux IIO Driver

The linux driver defines an iio interface. The driver can be instantiated in the device tree as follows:

	axi_tdd_0: axi-tdd-0@9c460000 {
		compatible = "adi,axi-tdd-1.00";
		reg = <0x9c460000 0x10000>;
		clocks = <&zynqmp_clk PL0_REF>, <&hmc7044 6>;
		clock-names = "s_axi_aclk", "intf_clk";
The driver needs to know which clock is driving the main clock input clk to calculate the required register values from the times provided to the iio attributes (T / clk_rate).

The resulting IIO device looks like this, where there is one channel per combination of rx, tx and primary, secondary. Keep in mind that these channels are only used to structure their attributes, and don't carry any information themselves.

	iio:device2: axi-core-tdd
		4 channels found:
			data1:  (output, WARN:iio_channel_get_type()=UNKNOWN)
			6 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: dp_off_ms value: 0
				attr  1: dp_on_ms value: 0
				attr  2: off_ms value: 0
				attr  3: on_ms value: 0
				attr  4: vco_off_ms value: 0
				attr  5: vco_on_ms value: 0
			data1:  (input, WARN:iio_channel_get_type()=UNKNOWN)
			6 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: dp_off_ms value: 0
				attr  1: dp_on_ms value: 0
				attr  2: off_ms value: 0
				attr  3: on_ms value: 0
				attr  4: vco_off_ms value: 0
				attr  5: vco_on_ms value: 0
			data0:  (output, WARN:iio_channel_get_type()=UNKNOWN)
			6 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: dp_off_ms value: 0
				attr  1: dp_on_ms value: 0
				attr  2: off_ms value: 0
				attr  3: on_ms value: 0
				attr  4: vco_off_ms value: 0
				attr  5: vco_on_ms value: 0
			data0:  (input, WARN:iio_channel_get_type()=UNKNOWN)
			6 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: dp_off_ms value: 0
				attr  1: dp_on_ms value: 0
				attr  2: off_ms value: 0
				attr  3: on_ms value: 0
				attr  4: vco_off_ms value: 0
				attr  5: vco_on_ms value: 0
		10 device-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: burst_count value: 0
				attr  1: counter_int value: 0
				attr  2: dma_gateing_mode value: rx_tx
				attr  3: dma_gateing_mode_available value: rx_tx rx_only tx_only none
				attr  4: en value: 0
				attr  5: en_mode value: rx_tx
				attr  6: en_mode_available value: rx_tx rx_only tx_only
				attr  7: frame_length_ms value: 0
				attr  8: secondary value: 0
				attr  9: sync_terminal_type value: 0
		1 debug attributes found:
				debug attr  0: direct_reg_access value: 0x10061
		No trigger on this device

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resources/fpga/docs/axi_tdd.1665117869.txt.gz · Last modified: 07 Oct 2022 06:44 by Ionut Podgoreanu