
This version is outdated by a newer approved version.DiffThis version (27 Mar 2015 16:51) was approved by Dragos Bogdan.

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Linux Drivers

IIO The Linux Industrial I/O (IIO) subsystem is intended to provide support for devices that, in some sense, are analog-to-digital or digital-to-analog converters. Devices that fall into this category are:

  • ADCs - can be used on ADCs ranging from a 1MSPS SoC ADC to >250 MSPS industrial ADCs
  • DACs
  • Accelerometers, gyros, IMUs
  • Capacitance-to-Digital converters (CDCs)
  • Pressure, temperature, and light sensors, etc.
  • RF Transceivers (like the AD9361)

The IIO Divers for the motor control solution require the HDL cores to have a specified register map. A DMA interface is set up for high speed data transfer using multiple multiplexed data channels. Below is the list of IIO drivers for the motor control solution.

IIO DriverName Channel Description
ad-mc-adc voltage0 Not used
voltage1 Motor 1 Ia ADC raw data
voltage2 Motor 1 Ib ADC raw data
voltage3 Motor 1 VBus ADC raw data
ad-mc-adc-m2 voltage0 Not used
voltage1 Motor 2 Ia ADC raw data
voltage2 Motor 2 Ib ADC raw data
voltage3 Motor 2 VBus ADC raw data
ad-mc-speed voltage0 Motor 1 speed. Number of counts in 10ns units between two motor commutations. In order to display the speed in RPM, the data should be processed by checking the 1/x option and multiply by 25.000.000
ad-mc-speed-m2 voltage0 Motor 1 speed. Number of counts in 10ns units between two motor commutations. In order to display the speed in RPM, the data should be processed by checking the 1/x option and multiply by 25.000.000
ad-mc-ctrl Not used
ad-mc-ctrl-m2 Not used

Each IIO driver has in the device tree and entry related to the actual driver and an entry corresponding to the allocated DMA. Below is an example of how the device tree looks for the motor control IIO drivers.

&fpga_axi {
	ad-mc-speed@40410000 {
		compatible = "xlnx,axi-ad-mc-speed-1.00.a";
		reg = <0x40410000 0x10000>;
		dmas = <&ad_mc_speed_dma 0>;
		dma-names = "ad-mc-speed-dma";
	ad_mc_speed_dma: dma@40510000 {
		compatible = "adi,axi-dmac-1.00.a";
		reg = <0x40510000 0x10000>;
		#dma-cells = <1>;
		interrupts = <0 57 0>;
		clocks = <&clkc 15>;
		dma-channel {
			adi,buswidth = <32>;
			adi,type = <0>;

	ad-mc-adc@40420000 {
		compatible = "xlnx,axi-ad-mc-adc-1.00.a";
		reg = <0x40420000 0x10000>;
		dmas = <&ad_mc_adc_dma 0>;
		dma-names = "ad-mc-adc-dma";
	ad_mc_adc_dma: dma@40520000 {
		compatible = "adi,axi-dmac-1.00.a";
		reg = <0x40520000 0x10000>;
		#dma-cells = <1>;
		interrupts = <0 54 0>;
		clocks = <&clkc 15>;
		dma-channel {
			adi,buswidth = <64>;
			adi,type = <0>;

	ad-mc-ctrl@40430000 {
		compatible = "xlnx,axi-ad-mc-ctrl-1.00.a";
		reg = <0x40430000 0x10000>;
		dmas = <&ad_mc_ctrl_dma 0>;
		dma-names = "ad-mc-ctrl-dma";
	ad_mc_ctrl_dma: dma@40530000 {
		compatible = "adi,axi-dmac-1.00.a";
		reg = <0x40530000 0x10000>;
		#dma-cells = <1>;
		interrupts = <0 53 0>;
		clocks = <&clkc 15>;
			dma-channel {
			adi,buswidth = <256>;
			adi,type = <0>;

	ad-mc-speed-m2@40440000 {
		compatible = "xlnx,axi-ad-mc-speed-1.00.a";
		reg = <0x40440000 0x10000>;
		dmas = <&ad_mc_speed_dma_m2 0>;
		dma-names = "ad-mc-speed-dma";
	ad_mc_speed_dma_m2: dma@40540000 {
		compatible = "adi,axi-dmac-1.00.a";
		reg = <0x40540000 0x10000>;
		#dma-cells = <1>;
		interrupts = <0 52 0>;
		clocks = <&clkc 15>;
		dma-channel {
			adi,buswidth = <32>;
			adi,type = <0>;

	ad-mc-adc-m2@40450000 {
		compatible = "xlnx,axi-ad-mc-adc-1.00.a";
		reg = <0x40450000 0x10000>;
		dmas = <&ad_mc_adc_dma_m2 0>;
		dma-names = "ad-mc-adc-dma";
	ad_mc_adc_dma_m2: dma@40550000 {
		compatible = "adi,axi-dmac-1.00.a";
		reg = <0x40550000 0x10000>;
		#dma-cells = <1>;
		interrupts = <0 36 0>;
		clocks = <&clkc 15>;
		dma-channel {
			adi,buswidth = <64>;
			adi,type = <0>;

	ad-mc-ctrl-m2@40460000 {
		compatible = "xlnx,axi-ad-mc-ctrl-1.00.a";
		reg = <0x40460000 0x10000>;
		dmas = <&ad_mc_ctrl_dma_m2 0>;
		dma-names = "ad-mc-ctrl-dma";
	ad_mc_ctrl_dma_m2: dma@40560000 {
		compatible = "adi,axi-dmac-1.00.a";
		reg = <0x40560000 0x10000>;
		#dma-cells = <1>;
		interrupts = <0 35 0>;
		clocks = <&clkc 15>;
		dma-channel {
			adi,buswidth = <256>;
			adi,type = <0>;

&spi0 {
	status = "okay";
	ad2s1210@0 {
		compatible = "ad2s1210";
		reg = <0>;
		spi-max-frequency = <1000000>;
		sample-gpios = <&gpio 86 0>;

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resources/eval/user-guides/ad-fmcmotcon2-ebz/software/linux_drivers.1427471469.txt.gz · Last modified: 27 Mar 2015 16:51 by Dragos Bogdan