
This version (30 Jan 2017 17:29) was approved by rejeesh kutty.The Previously approved version (30 Jan 2017 17:08) is available.Diff

AD-FMCDAQ3-EBZ Bare Metal (no-OS) Guide

This guide provides some quick instructions on how to build and run the AD-FMCDAQ3-EBZ on most of the supported platforms. As of this writing, the following carriers are supported. You must always check with the github sources to get a full list of supported carriers as this document may not reflect any recent additions.

Altera Platform(s)

Xilinx Platform(s)


Please check with the github pages for latest and previous releases and consult the release notes for more information.

Building HDL

ADI do not distribute the bit/elf files of these projects. They must be built from the sources. The HDL user guide provides detailed information and steps to build the DAQ3 project on your desired carrier. The build flow is developed around GNU make. You may use a windows or linux OS, but do NOT seek OS- specific support. The prerequisite to the building process is that you be able to run 'quartus', 'vivado' and 'make' all from a shell (Cygwin or Linux). Now, building the HDL is as simple as running make on your desired carrier.

hdl/projects/daq3/a10gx> make MMU=0
hdl/projects/daq3/kcu105> make
hdl/projects/daq3/zc706> make

Please note that for Altera devices, it is important to set MMU=0. As Altera HAL do not support run-time MMU and the default bit files are intended for linux and uses MMU.

Building no-OS

After you built the HDL, you may build the no-OS elf files using the same make flow.

no-OS/fmcdaq3/a10gx> make
no-OS/fmcdaq3/kcu105> make
no-OS/fmcdaq3/zc706> make

The default flow assumes you have cloned (or downloaded) the sources under the same directory. If you have a different directory structure override the defaults using SOPCINFO-FILE or HDF-FILE variables.

no-OS/fmcdaq3/a10gx> make SOPCINFO-FILE=<your-directory/hdl/projects/daq3/a10gx/system_bd.sopcinfo>
no-OS/fmcdaq3/kcu105> make HDF-FILE=<your-directory/hdl/projects/daq3/kcu105/daq3_kcu105.sdk/system_top.hdf>
no-OS/fmcdaq3/zc706> make HDF-FILE=<your-directory/hdl/projects/daq3/zc706/daq3_zc706.sdk/system_top.hdf>

Running no-OS

If your carrier is a Xilinx board, you will need to setup a UART terminal (115200). Altera carriers uses the nios2-terminal. Make the JTAG/UART connections as per your carrier instructions and run the software on hardware.

no-OS/fmcdaq3/a10gx> make run
no-OS/fmcdaq3/kcu105> make run
no-OS/fmcdaq3/zc706> make run

Using Eclipse GUI

You may use the Eclipse GUI, but this is all up to you. Set your workspace as the carrier of your choice and all the application and bsp folders should be there in the GUI. However, please note, while you should seek support on any hardware or software related to the DAQ3 board, please do not ask us about tool specific issues whether it be Quartus, Vivado, Eclipse-SDK and such.

Signal-Tap/ILA Integration

The default HDL in most cases do NOT instantiate any monitoring cores. The HDL design is primary intended for Linux use. You may modify the design to add the debug cores and re-run the make flow.

Understanding/Modifying things

The best place to start in the no-OS main function in “fmcdaq3.c”. It shows how individual components of a data path chain are initialized and programmed for the application. After you have the default setup working, feel free to add your own customization routines and/or signal processing functions to either HDL or no-OS. It is okay if you break the design, the best way to learn something is breaking and making it (of course, this does NOT apply to the actual hardware).

resources/eval/user-guides/ad-fmcdaq3-ebz/software/baremetal.txt · Last modified: 30 Jan 2017 17:29 by rejeesh kutty