
This version (18 Apr 2024 08:20) was approved by Paul Pop.The Previously approved version (07 Nov 2023 02:00) is available.Diff

EVAL-CN0579-ARDZ User Guide


Condition-based monitoring (CbM) enables early detection and diagnosis of machine and system abnormalities. Identifying and isolating these issues creates opportunities for optimizing replacement part inventories, scheduling downtime for planned maintenance, and making run-time process adjustments that can extend the life of equipment.

The EVAL-CN0579-ARDZ is a 4-channel, high resolution, wide bandwidth, high dynamic range, IEPE-compatible interface data acquisition (DAQ) system that interfaces with IC piezoelectric (ICP®)/IEPE sensors. While most solutions that interface with piezoelectric sensors in the market are AC-coupled and lack DC and subhertz measurement capabilities, this solution is DC-coupled. By looking at the complete data set from an IEPE vibration sensor in the frequency domain (DC to 50 kHz), the type and source of a machine fault can be better predicted using the position, amplitude, and number of harmonics found in the fast Fourier transform (FFT) spectrum.

Simplified Block Diagram

Hardware Configuration

Primary Side

Sensor Input

The main input on the EVAL-CN0579-ARDZ are right-angle SMA connectors on the primary side of the board, as such it is highly recommended to connect the sensor using an SMA cable. If this is not possible, due to the type of sensor or otherwise, use the headers to connect the board with other standard wires.

LED Indicators

LED Location Function
PWR LEDs (DS1 to DS2) bottom-left corner indicates board power
FAULT LEDs (DS3 to DS6) near each SMA connector indicates the status of switch's fault flag
SHUTDOWN LED (DS7) left side of U19 indicates status of shutdown logic/buffer, FDA, SW disable

Secondary Side

Current Source Jumper

The EVAL-CN0579-ARDZ includes solder jumpers (P17 to P20) to control current source. The jumpers connect the current source to the circuit and may be removed for testing without a current source.

Arduino Interface

All connector pinouts for the EVAL-CN0579-ARDZ are described in the table below.

Connector Pin No. Pin Name CN0579 Pin Function
Arduino DIO 1 (P12) 1 SCL SCL
3 AREF NC (Not connected)
5 13 / SCLK SCLK
6 12 / MISO MISO
7 11 / PWM / MOSI MOSI
8 10 / PWM / CS CS_ADC
9 9 / PWM DRDY_N
10 8 DCLK
Arduino DIO 0 (P14) 1 7 DOUT0
2 6 / PWM DOUT1
3 5 / PWM DOUT2
4 4 DOUT3
Arduino Analog (P13) 1 AIN0 NC
Arduino Power (P11) 1 NC NC
4 3.3 V 3V3
5 5V 5V
8 Vin NC

To achieve reasonable noise measurements, the piezo vibration sensor must be stabilized using either an active shaker table, which cancels environmental vibrations; or anchored to a massive object, which makes sensor still. For noise measurements done on EVAL-CN0579-ARDZ, the piezo vibration sensor was anchored to a massive object, where it is also connected directly to the input of the signal chain.

Test Points

The board also has many test points, most of which are labeled and are fairly self-explanatory. The table below describes some of the most significant test points and their connections.

Test Point Description
26V8 Connects to the 26.8 V rail before it's reduced to 26 V.
26V0 Connects to the 26 V rail.
5V5 Connects to the 5.5 V rail before it's reduced to 5 V.
5V0 Connects to the 5 V rail.
TP1 Connects to the voltage reference of the DAC for IEPE sensor.
TP6 / TP11 / TP16 / TP21 Connects to signal chain after passing through the fault protection switch
TP7 / TP12 / TP17 / TP22 Connects to VOCM.
TP8 / TP13 / TP18 / TP23 Connects to signal chain that is level shifted.
TP9 / TP14 / TP19 / TP24 Connects to FDA_OUT_N0 of the ADC driver.
TP10 / TP15 / TP20 / TP25 Connects to FDA_OUT_P0 of the ADC driver.
TP27 / TP29 / TP31 / TP33 Connects to output from the bias voltage correction.
TP34 Connects to ADC reference buffer.
TP35 Connects to differential conversion reference buffer output / VOCM.
TP36 Connects to 32.768 MEGHz clock output.
TP37 Connects to VCM of ADC.

System Setup

General Setup Using DE10-Nano

Demo Requirements

The following is the list of items needed in order to replicate this demo.


    • 5V/2A wall power supply with barrel jack (comes with DE10-Nano)
    • mini USB to USB Type A (comes with DE10-Nano)
  1. Ethernet cable
  2. IEPE-compatible sensor


Hardware Setup

  1. Mount the EVAL-CN0579-ARDZ on the DE10-Nano.
  2. Connect the monitor to the DE10-Nano using HDMI cable.
  3. Connect a OTG to USB connector to- USB OTG of DE10-Nano. If necessary, connect the USB hub to the USB-OTG connector.
  4. Connect the keyboard and mouse USB dongle to the USB OTG adapter/USB hub.
  5. Plug the power cable of the DE10 Nano.
  6. Wait for the system to boot up. Upon boot up, screen like image below will appear.

Software Setup

Preparing the SD Card

To prepare the SD card for the DE10-Nano board:

  1. Validate, format, and flash the SD Card

Download and Install IIO Oscilloscope

  1. Download the latest IIO-Oscilloscope release from GitHub and install it on your PC. (You may need to right-click the installer and run as “Elevated” in order to get it to install.)
  2. Once microSD card has been imaged, safely remove the hardware from the SD card writer, and insert the card directly into the microSD card slot on the DE10-Nano.

General Setup Using Cora Z7

Demo Requirements

The following is the list of items needed in order to replicate this demo.


  1. Ethernet cable
  2. Micro USB to USB Type A cable
  3. IEPE-compatible sensor


Hardware Setup

  1. Mount the EVAL-CN0579-ARDZ on the Cora Z7.
  2. Connect ethernet cable on the Cora Z7 and on your PC.
  3. Power up Cora Z7 by plugging its power supply or connecting microUSB.
  4. Wait for the system to boot up. Upon boot up, open command terminal or any similar applications like PuTTy to communicate with the board.

Software Setup

Preparing the SD Card

To prepare the SD card for the DE10-Nano board:

  1. Validate, format, and flash the SD Card

Download and Install IIO Oscilloscope

  1. Down the latest IIO-Oscilloscope release from Github, and install it on your PC. (You may need to right-click the installer, and run as “Elevated” in order to get it to install.)
  2. Once the microSD card has been imaged, safely remove the hardware from the SD card writer, and insert the card directly into the microSD card slot on the DE10-Nano.

Application Software

The EVAL-CN0579-ARDZ is supported by the Libiio library. This library is cross-platform (Windows, Linux, Mac) with language bindings for C, C#, Python, MATLAB, and others. Two easy examples that can be used with the EVAL-CN0579-ARDZ are:


To be able to connect your device, the software must be able to create a context. The context creation in the software depends on the backend used to connect to the device, as well as the platform where the EVAL-CN0579-ARDZ is attached. The platforms currently supported for the EVAL-CN0579-ARDZ are Cora Z7 and DE10-Nano using the ADI Kuiper Linux. The user needs to supply a URI, which will be used in the context creation. The Libiio is a library for interfacing with IIO devices.

Install the Libiio package on your machine.

The iio_info command is a part of the libIIO package that reports all IIO attributes.

Upon installation, simply enter the command on the terminal command line to access it.

For Windows machine connected to ZedBoard via Ethernet cable:

Using SSH Terminal Software

Open SSH Terminal Software (PuTTY, TeraTerm, or similar). The user should now start the PuTTY application and enter certain values in the configuration window. In the terminal, run:

analog@analog:~$ iio_info -u ip:<ip_address>

Using Command Terminal
iio_info -s

Prompting this on the command terminal in your Windows PC will give you the IP address to access the EVAL-CN0579-ARDZ.

ssh analog@<ip_address>
analog@analog:~$ iio_info -u ip:<ip_address>

IIO Commands

There are different commands that can be used to manage the device being used. The iio_attr command reads and writes IIO attributes.

analog@analog:~$ iio_attr [OPTION]...


  • To look at the context attributes, enter this code on the terminal:
analog@analog:~$ iio_attr -a -C

IIO Oscilloscope

Make sure to download/update to the latest version of IIO Oscilloscope.

  1. Once done with the installation or an update of the latest IIO Oscilloscope, open the application. The user needs to supply a URI, which will be used in the context creation of the IIO Oscilloscope and the instructions can be seen in the previous section.
  2. Press refresh to display available IIO Devices, once cn0579 appeared, press connect.


Debug Panel

Below is the Debug panel wherein you can directly access the attributes of the device. Debug Panel

DMM Panel

Access the DMM panel to see the instantaneous reading of the ADC voltages. DMM Panel


PyADI-IIO is a Python abstraction module for ADI hardware with IIO drivers to make them easier to use. This module provides device-specific APIs built on top of the current libIIO Python bindings. These interfaces try to match the driver naming as much as possible without the need to understand the complexities of libIIO and IIO.

Running the Example

After installing and configuring PYADI-IIO on your machine, you are now ready to run Python script examples. In our case, run the

  1. Connect the EVAL-CN0579-ARDZ to the DE10-Nano or Cora Z7.
  2. Open command prompt or terminal and navigate through the examples folder inside the downloaded or cloned pyadi-iio directory.
  3. Run the example script using the command.
.../pyadi-iio/examples $ python3

The expected output should look like this:

Without input signal:

With input from ADALM2000 (1 Vp-p, 1 kHz) on Channel 0:

GitHub link for the Python sample script: CN0579 Python Example

Reference Demos & Software

Schematic, PCB Layout, Bill of Materials

EVAL-CN0579-ARDZ Design & Integration Files

  • Schematics
  • PCB Layout
  • Bill of Materials
  • Allegro Project


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End of Document

resources/eval/user-guides/circuits-from-the-lab/cn0579.txt · Last modified: 08 Feb 2024 07:52 by Richmond Eustacio