
This version (25 Jan 2021 15:00) was approved by Andrei Drimbarean.

Generic platform driver description

The Generic Platform Driver is where the specific communication functions for the desired type of processor and communication protocol have to be implemented. This driver implements the communication with the device and hides the actual details of the communication protocol to the specific device or family driver.

The Generic Platform Driver has a standard interface, so the device driver can be used exactly as it is provided. This standard interface includes the I2C and SPI communications, functions for managing GPIOs and a miliseconds delay function.

The milisecond delay functions is:

Function Description
void mdelay(uint32_t msecs)
Generate miliseconds delay.

I2C interface

The I2C interface has the following functions:

Function Description
int32_t i2c_init(struct i2c_desc **desc, const struct i2c_init_param *param)
Initialize the I2C communication peripheral.
int32_t i2c_remove(struct i2c_desc *desc)
Free the resources allocated by i2c_init().
int32_t i2c_write(struct i2c_desc *desc, uint8_t *data,
	uint8_t bytes_number, uint8_t stop_bit)
Write data to a slave device.
int32_t i2c_read(struct i2c_desc *desc, uint8_t *data,
	uint8_t bytes_number, uint8_t stop_bit)
Read data from a slave device.

The following structs and enums are used for the I2C interface:

typedef enum i2c_type {
} i2c_type;
typedef struct i2c_init_param {
	enum i2c_type	type;
	uint32_t	id;
	uint32_t	max_speed_hz;
	uint8_t		slave_address;
} i2c_init_param;
typedef struct i2c_desc {
	enum i2c_type	type;
	uint32_t	id;
	uint32_t	max_speed_hz;
	uint8_t		slave_address;
} i2c_desc;

SPI interface

The SPI interface has the following functions:

Function Description
int32_t spi_init(struct spi_desc **desc, const struct spi_init_param *param)
Initialize the SPI communication peripheral.
int32_t spi_remove(struct spi_desc *desc)
Free the resources allocated by spi_init().
int32_t spi_write_and_read(struct spi_desc *desc, uint8_t *data,
	uint8_t bytes_number)
Write and read data to/from SPI.

The following structs and enums are used for the SPI interface:

typedef enum spi_type {
} spi_type;
typedef enum spi_mode {
	SPI_MODE_0 = (0 | 0),
	SPI_MODE_1 = (0 | SPI_CPHA),
	SPI_MODE_2 = (SPI_CPOL | 0),
} spi_mode;
typedef struct spi_init_param {
	enum spi_type	type;
	uint32_t	id;
	uint32_t	max_speed_hz;
	enum spi_mode	mode;
	uint8_t		chip_select;
} spi_init_param;
typedef struct spi_desc {
	enum spi_type	type;
	uint32_t	id;
	uint32_t	max_speed_hz;
	enum spi_mode	mode;
	uint8_t		chip_select;
} spi_desc;

GPIO interface

The GPIO interface has the following functions:

Function Description
int32_t gpio_get(struct gpio_desc **desc, uint8_t gpio_number)
Obtain the GPIO decriptor.
int32_t gpio_remove(struct gpio_desc *desc)
Free the resources allocated by gpio_get().
int32_t gpio_direction_input(struct gpio_desc *desc)
Enable the input direction of the specified GPIO.
int32_t gpio_direction_output(struct gpio_desc *desc, uint8_t value)
Enable the output direction of the specified GPIO.
int32_t gpio_get_direction(struct gpio_desc *desc, uint8_t *direction)
Get the direction of the specified GPIO.
int32_t gpio_set_value(struct gpio_desc *desc, uint8_t value)
Set the value of the specified GPIO.
int32_t gpio_get_value(struct gpio_desc *desc, uint8_t *value)
Get the value of the specified GPIO.

The following structs and enums are used for the GPIO interface:

typedef enum gpio_type {
} gpio_type;
typedef struct gpio_desc {
	enum gpio_type	type;
	uint32_t	id;
	uint8_t		number;
} gpio_desc;

resources/tools-software/uc-drivers-all/generic-platform-drivers.txt · Last modified: 04 Sep 2018 13:47 by Andrei Drimbarean