
This version (15 Nov 2021 12:30) was approved by Nikhin Shetty.The Previously approved version (24 Jun 2020 12:17) is available.Diff

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Open Existing Project

OpenExistingProject takes in one argument(filePath) and allows the user to open a SigmaStudio+ project in the given filepath. This API returns the SSPResult type.


SSPResult OpenExistingProject(string filePath)             


  1. filePath- The path along with the file name of the project which has to be opened in the SigmaStudio+ application.


SSPResult contains 'IsSuccess' flag and 'Message' information of the OpenExistingProject action.

  1. IsSuccess is 'True' if the project was opened successfully, else 'False'.
  2. Message contains the Success/Failure information in the form of list of string.

resources/tools-software/sigmastudiov2/usingsigmastudio/scripting/openproject.txt · Last modified: 15 Nov 2021 08:44 by Nikhin Shetty