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resources:tools-software:sigmastudio:usingsigmastudio:systemimplementation [18 Jun 2012 22:31] – created William Jahnresources:tools-software:sigmastudio:usingsigmastudio:systemimplementation [18 Jun 2012 22:38] (current) – Added collapsable source code in plain text William Jahn
Line 38: Line 38:
 {{codepic5.png}}\\ {{codepic5.png}}\\
 {{codepic6.png}}\\ {{codepic6.png}}\\
 +~~~~ Click here to view the above source code as plain text |
 +#include "prog_data.h"
 +#include "param_data.h"
 +#include "Design_IC 1.h" // *** This file is generated by SigmaStudio ***
 +#include "Design_IC 1_REG.h" // *** This file is generated by SigmaStudio ***
 +#include "comms.h"
 +#define byte unsigned char 
 +// Microcontroller Code MAIN program
 +int main(void) 
 +// Setup SPI port  this is hardware-specific
 +// Write a program to DSP
 +// Wait some time
 +// Write a parameter file
 +// Write a single value (0.242) to specified address
 +// The address, MODULE_Main_Single1_VALUE, is defined in the
 +// SigmaStudio generated header file (Design_IC 1.h).
 +ParamWrite(MODULE_Main_Single1_VALUE, 0.242);
 +// Example safeload of single parameter, will safeload 1.999 in 5.23 
 +// format to address 2 
 +// This function includes the initiate safeload to parameter RAM
 +SafeloadSingleParamWrite(2, 1.999);
 +// Example of a multiple parameter safeload (i.e. filter coefficients)
 +//  - loads the data to each of the five safeload locations,
 +//  -  then initiates the safeload
 +SafeloadMultipleParamWrite(MODULE_Main_MidEQ1_Alg0_Stage0_B0_ADDRESS, 1.999, 0); 
 +SafeloadMultipleParamWrite(MODULE_Main_MidEQ1_Alg0_Stage0_B1_ADDRESS, -.988, 1); 
 +SafeloadMultipleParamWrite(MODULE_Main_MidEQ1_Alg0_Stage0_B2_ADDRESS, 1.999, 2);
 +SafeloadMultipleParamWrite(MODULE_Main_MidEQ1_Alg0_Stage0_A1_ADDRESS, -.999888, 3);
 +SafeloadMultipleParamWrite(MODULE_Main_MidEQ1_Alg0_Stage0_A2_ADDRESS, 1.999, 4);
 +return 0;
 +// Microcontroller Code Wait function
 +void Wait(float time) //time to wait in milliseconds
 +long cycles;
 +cycles = time / 1.422e-3; //assuming 45 MHz uC core clock speed
 +while (cycles != 0)
 +  --cycles; 
 +// Microcontroller Code Mute function
 +void Mute()
 +byte corecontrol[2] = {0x00, 0x00}; 
 +//Write core control register
 +SpiWrite(CORE_CONTROL_REG, corecontrol, 2);
 +//Wait 20us 
 +// Microcontroller Code UnMute function
 +void UnMute()
 +byte corecontrol[2] = {0x02, 0x00}; 
 +//Write core control register
 +SpiWrite(CORE_CONTROL_REG, corecontrol, 2);
 +//Wait 20us
 +// Microcontroller SpiWrite function
 +// The function takes the start address to be written to, an array of 
 +// data, and the length of the array (in bytes). 
 +void SpiWrite(short address, unsigned char* data, int length)
 +int i = 0;
 +byte address_hi = 0; // register/RAM address high byte
 +byte address_lo = 0; // register/RAM address lo byte
 +address_lo = (byte)address; // get low byte of register/RAM address
 +address_hi = (byte)(address>>8); // get high byte of address shift left by 8 bits
 +// Fill in your write function here
 +SPI_TX_REG = 0x00; // Write to DSP at chip address 0
 +SPI_TX_REG = address_hi; // Write high address byte
 +SPI_TX_REG = address_lo; // Write lo address byte
 +for (i=0; i<length; i++) // Write specified length of data
 +   SPI_TX_REG = data[i]; 
 +// Note: After each write to SPI_TX_REG, you may need to verify that the buffer
 +// has been emptied (meaning the write has completed). This is hardware-specific.
 +// Microcontroller Code - functions, write a single parameter
 +void ParamWrite(short address, float param)
 +byte param_hex[4] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} ;
 +// Convert decimal parameter value to 5.23 format
 +To523(param, param_hex); 
 +SpiWrite(address, param_hex, 4); 
 +// Microcontroller Code functions, safeload: single parameter write
 +void SafeloadSingleParamWrite(short address, float param)
 +byte param_hex[4] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
 +//convert decimal paramater value to 5.23 format
 +To523(param, param_hex); 
 +byte paramex_hex[5];
 +SafeParam(SAFELOAD_DATA_0, paramex_hex);
 +SafeAddr(SAFELOAD_ADDRESS_0, address);
 +// Microcontroller Code functions, safeload: multiple parameter write
 +// Note: After you call this function, call InitSafeloadParam once.
 +void SafeloadMultipleParamWrite(short address, float param, int location)
 +byte param_hex[4] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
 +//convert decimal paramater value to 5.23 format
 +To523(param, param_hex); 
 +byte paramex_hex[5];
 +SafeParam(SAFELOAD_DATA_0+location, paramex_hex);
 +SafeAddr(SAFELOAD_ADDRESS_0+location, address);
 +// Microcontroller Code - functions, safeload: Initiate the safeload 
 +// write to parameter RAM
 +void InitSafeloadParam()
 +byte corecontrol[2] = {2, 0}; 
 +//Read contents of core control register
 +SpiRead(CORE_CONTROL_REG, corecontrol, 2); 
 +//Set Initiate Safe Transfer to Param RAM bit
 +corecontrol[1] = corecontrol[1] | 0x10;    
 +//Write back to core control register
 +SpiWrite(CORE_CONTROL_REG, corecontrol, 2);
 +Wait(20);  //Wait 20us 
 +//Microcontroller Code - functions, SpiRead
 +void SpiRead(short address, unsigned char* data, int length)
 +int i = 0;
 +byte address_hi = 0; //DSP register/RAM address high byte
 +byte address_lo = 0; //DSP register/RAM address lo byte
 +//get low byte of register/RAM address
 +address_lo = (byte)address;     
 +//get high byte of address shift, left by 8 bits
 +address_hi = (byte)(address>>8);
 +//Fill in you write function here
 +SPI_RX_REG = 0x01;        //Write to DSP and set RW bit to 1
 +SPI_RX_REG = address_hi;  //Write high address byte
 +SPI_RX_REG = address_lo;  //Write lo address byte
 +for (i=0; i<length; i++) //read specified length of data
 +  SPI_RX_REG = data[i]; 
 +// Note: After each write to SPI_TX_REG, you may need to verify that the buffer has
 +// been emptied (meaning the write has completed). This is hardware-specific.
 +//Microcontroller Code - functions, Safeload: SafeAddr
 +void SafeAddr(short safe_addr, short param_addr)
 +byte safe_addr_lo;
 +byte safe_addr_hi;
 +//get low byte of register/RAM address
 +//get high byte of address shift left by 8 bits
 +byte param_addr_lo;
 +byte param_addr_hi;
 +//get low byte of parameter address
 +//get high byte of address shift left by 8 bits
 +SPI_TX_REG = 0x00; // Write to DSP at chip address 0
 +SPI_TX_REG = safe_addr_hi; //Write high byte of safeload address
 +SPI_TX_REG = safe_addr_lo; //Write low byte of safeload address
 +SPI_TX_REG = param_addr_hi; //Write high byte of parameter address
 +SPI_TX_REG = param_addr_lo; //Write low byte of parameter address
 +//Microcontroller Code - functions, Safeload: SafeParam
 +void SafeParam(short safe_param, unsigned char* param_data)
 +byte safe_param_lo;
 +byte safe_param_hi;
 +//get low byte of register/RAM address
 +//get high byte of address shift left by 8 bits
 +SPI_TX_REG = 0x00; //Write to DSP at chip address 0
 +SPI_TX_REG = safe_param_hi; //Write high byte of Safeload address
 +SPI_TX_REG = safe_param_lo; //Write low byte of Safeload address
 +SPI_TX_REG = param_data[4]; //Write parameter byte 4 (MSBs)
 +SPI_TX_REG = param_data[3]; //Write parameter byte 3
 +SPI_TX_REG = param_data[2]; //Write parameter byte 2
 +SPI_TX_REG = param_data[1]; //Write parameter byte 1
 +SPI_TX_REG = param_data[0]; //Write parameter byte 1 (LSBs)
 +// Note: SafeParam and SafeAddr must be executed together.
 +// Microcontroller code - functions: convert a float number to 5.23 format
 +void To523(float param_dec, byte* param_hex)
 +long param223;
 +long param227;
 +//multiply decimal number by 2^23
 +param223 = param_dec * (1 << 23);
 +//convert to positive binary 
 +param227 = param223 + (1 << 27); 
 +param_hex[3]=(byte)param227;  //get byte 3 (LSBs) of parameter value
 +param_hex[2]=(byte)(param227>>8); //get byte 2 of parameter value
 +param_hex[1]=(byte)(param227>>16); //get byte 1 of parameter value
 +//get byte 0 (MSBs) of parameter value
 +//invert sign bit to get correct sign
 +param_hex[0] = param_hex[0] ^ 0x08; 
resources/tools-software/sigmastudio/usingsigmastudio/systemimplementation.txt · Last modified: 18 Jun 2012 22:38 by William Jahn