
This version (19 Dec 2017 10:53) was approved by Venkatesan Krishnamoorthy.The Previously approved version (09 Aug 2017 12:36) is available.Diff

Interface Write

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The Interface Write module writes the value of the parameter setting to the EEPROM when required, so that the parameter setting can be used after the power down(via selfboot).The module can write the value to EEPROM when the parameter value is changed or periodically or an external trigger(rising edge). The module supports writes through SPI or I2C protocols.

The Interface Write module has the following properties which can be set by the user in the form to configure the I2C or SPI modes.

Make sure that the interface read and interface write modules that are interacting with each other have the same Interface number paramter.

Input Pins

NameFormat [int/dec/float] - [control/audio]Function Description
Pin 0: Inputdecimal- audioInput signal to be filtered

Grow Algorithm

The module doesn't supports growth functionality. Add is not supported.

GUI Controls

GUI Control NameDefault ValueRangeFunction Description
Protocol10-1The Protocol selected - I2C(0) or SPI(1)
Bitrate100kHz400/800/1000 kHz(I2C), 100-100000KHz (SPI) I2C/ SPI Speed
Sub Address Bytes3 1-3Length of the address for SPI/I2C
Device Address0 I2C: Slave address 0-127
SPI: Slave select 0-6
Slave Adddress
SPI Mode10-1SPI Modes 0 or 3
Command Length10-255This is the SPI R/W instruction bytes
Write Instruction (SPI)20-255SPI write command bytes
Read Instruction(SPI)30-255SPI read command bytes
Write-Enable instruction (SPI) 60-255Write enable for SPI
Write mode 10-2The triggering modes for Interface write module, 0- write on Value change, 1-write Periodically with set write interval, 2- write on GPIO trigger
Write Interval 50ms 50-5000msWrite interval for periodic mode

DSP Parameter Information

GUI Control Name Compiler Name Function Description
slave select device__Address_ SPI,I2C chip address bytes
interval InterfaceWrite300_Interval Write Interval for Periodic mode
Write Address InterfaceWrite300_WriteAddress EEPROM location to which data is to be written
Data Length InterfaceWrite300_Data Bytes Length of the data to be written to the EEPROM in bytes
SPI Mode InterfaceWrite300_SPI_Mode SPI mode select, Mode 0 or Mode3
SPI Read Command InterfaceWrite300_SPI_read_instruction SPI read instruction bytes
SPI write CommandInterfaceWrite300_SPI_write_instructionSPI write instruction bytes
SPI wren Command InterfaceWrite300_SPI_wren_instruction SPI write enable instruction bytes
Sub Byte address address_Length_ SPI/I2C address length

The Periodic mode of operation of interface write for SPI requires some delay to be inserted after the write, the default value of which is set to 1ms. Every successive instance of the module will have an increment in the delay given by (interface number*delay). This is available as a DSP parameter whose value can be set by writting the value to the particular memory location of the dsp parameter -InterfaceWrite300_delayLoopCount.

Algorithm Description

Interface write module allows the user to write data to a device(self-boot eeprom) over I2C or SPI. The cell has a form which allows the user to configure the modes and choose among the three write modes -write on 1.Value change 2.Periodic 3.GPIO trigger. The user can configure the I2C and SPI registers using the Interface Write properties form.


Use Case 1

The interface write module can be used an outpur moudule to the UPDown LUT. The Interface write module writes the output of the UPDown LUT parameter setting to the EEPROM if the conditions to write are satisfied.

Use Case 2

The Interface write module can be used to store any the parameter setting to the EEPROM and read it back during the selfboot using the corresponding Interface read module. When the GPIO trigger is a rising edge signal, the Interface write module will write to the EEPROM. During the powerdown, a rising edge signal can be provided in the GPIO to store the interface value to EEPROM.

Supported IC's

1. ADAU145x

resources/tools-software/sigmastudio/toolbox/io/inferfacewrite.txt · Last modified: 19 Dec 2017 10:53 by Venkatesan Krishnamoorthy