
This version (27 Jun 2017 11:30) was approved by Istvan Csomortani.

Microprocessor interface

All the ADI IP cores contains multiple AXI register map modules, which control a well specified part of the IP. To avoid complicated interconnections inside the IP, using the up_axi.v module, the AXI Memory Mapped interface is converted into a so called Microprocessor interface or uP interface. This interface has an independent write and read channel, and each channel contains an address bus, a data bus, a request (driven by master) and an acknowledge (driven by slave) control signals. All the uP interface signals names have a up_ prefix, this differentiate themselves clearly from other internal signals.

uP interface and signals

Interface Pin Type Description
Clock and reset
up_clk input Clock signal, should be connected to s_axi_aclk
up_rstn input An active low reset, should be connected to s_axi_aresetn
Read interface
up_rreq output Read request from the processor
up_rack input Read acknowledge from the core
up_raddr output[13:0] Read address defined by the processor
up_rdata input[31:0] Read data, delivered by the core
Write interface
up_wreq output Write request from the processor
up_wack input Write acknowledge from the core
up_waddr output[13:0] Write address defined by the processor
up_wdata output[31:0] Write data defined by the processor

Note: The directions of the signals are defined from the masters (microprocessor) perspective.

Timing diagram

The following timing diagram illustrates the signals and functionality of the interface. It show a register write access and two consecutive register read access.

 UP interface timing diagram

resources/fpga/docs/up_if.txt · Last modified: 27 Jun 2017 11:30 by Istvan Csomortani