
The most recent version of this page is a draft.DiffThis version is outdated by a newer approved version.DiffThis version (28 Feb 2019 16:37) was approved by Laszlo Nagy.The Previously approved version (04 Feb 2019 17:35) is available.Diff

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High-Speed DMA Controller Peripheral

The AXI DMAC is a high-speed, high-throughput, general purpose DMA controller intended to be used to transfer data between system memory and other peripherals like high-speed converters.


  • Supports multiple interface types
    • AXI3/4 memory mapped
    • AXI4 Streaming
    • ADI FIFO interface
  • Zero-latency transfer switch-over architecture
    • Allows continuous high-speed streaming
  • Cyclic transfers
  • 2D transfers


Detailed Utilization (Click to expand)


Name Description
axi_dmac.v Verilog source for the peripheral.

Block Diagram

AXI DMAC block diagram

Synthesis Configuration Parameters

Name Description Default
ID Instance identification number. 0
DMA_DATA_WIDTH_SRC Data path width of the source interface in bits. 64
DMA_DATA_WIDTH_DEST Data path width of the destination interface in bits. 64
DMA_LENGTH_WIDTH Width of transfer length control register in bits.
Limits length of the transfers to 2**DMA_LENGTH_WIDTH.
DMA_2D_TRANSFER Enable support for 2D transfers. 1
DMA_2D_TLAST_MODE Function of TLAST AXIS signal in 2D transfers. 0 - End of Frame; 1 - End of Line. 0
ASYNC_CLK_REQ_SRC Whether the request and source clock domains are asynchronous. 1
ASYNC_CLK_SRC_DEST Whether the source and destination clock domains are asynchronous. 1
ASYNC_CLK_DEST_REQ Whether the destination request clock domains are asynchronous. 1
AXI_SLICE_DEST Whether to insert a extra register slice on the source data path. 0
AXI_SLICE_SRC Whether to insert a extra register slice on the destination data path. 0
SYNC_TRANSFER_START Enable the transfer start synchronization feature. 0
CYCLIC Enable support for Cyclic transfers. 1
DMA_AXI_PROTOCOL_SRC AXI protocol version of the source interface (0 = AXI4, 1 = AXI3). 0
DMA_AXI_PROTOCOL_DEST AXI protocol version of the destionation interface (0 = AXI4, 1 = AXI3). 0
DMA_TYPE_SRC Interface type for the source interface
(0 = AXI-MM, 1 = AXI-Streaming, 2 = ADI-FIFO).
DMA_TYPE_DEST Interface type for the destination interface
(0 = AXI-MM, 1 = AXI-Streaming, 2 = ADI-FIFO).
DMA_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH Maximum address width for AXI interfaces. 32
MAX_BYTES_PER_BURST Maximum size of bursts in bytes. Must be power of 2 in a range of 2 beats to 4096 bytes
The size of the burst is limited by the largest burst that both source and destination supports. This depends on the selected protocol.
For AXI3 the maximum beats per burst is 16, while for AXI4 is 256. For non AXI interfaces the maximum beats per burst is in theory unlimited but it is set to 1024 to provide a reasonable upper threshold.
This limitation is done internally in the core.
FIFO_SIZE Size of the store-and-forward memory in bursts. Size of a burst is defined by the MAX_BYTES_PER_BURST parameter. Must be power of 2 in the range of 2 to 32. 4
DISABLE_DEBUG_REGISTERS Disable debug registers. 0
ENABLE_DIAGNOSTICS_IF Add insight into internal operation of the core, for debug purposes only. 0
ENABLE_FRAME_LOCK Enable frame locking mechanism. Valid only when 2D mode and CYCLIC modes are enabled. 0
MAX_NUM_FRAMES Maximum number of frame buffers supported in framelock mode. Valid only when ENABLE_FRAME_LOCKis enabled. 8
HAS_AUTORUN Enable autorun support for software less operation. 0
DMAC_DEF_FLAGS Default value of the FLAGS register in autorun mode. 0
DMAC_DEF_SRC_ADDR Default value of the SRC_ADDRESS register in autorun mode. 0
DMAC_DEF_DEST_ADDR Default value of the DEST_ADDRESS register in autorun mode. 0
DMAC_DEF_X_LENGTH Default value of the X_LENGTH register in autorun mode. 0
DMAC_DEF_Y_LENGTH Default value of the Y_LENGTH register in autorun mode. 0
DMAC_DEF_SRC_STRIDE Default value of the SRC_STRIDE register in autorun mode. 0
DMAC_DEF_DEST_STRIDE Default value of the DEST_STRIDE register in autorun mode. 0
DMAC_DEF_FLOCK_CFG Default value of the FRAME_LOCK_CONFIG register in autorun mode. 0
DMAC_DEF_FLOCK_STRIDE Default value of the FRAME_LOCK_STRIDE register in autorun mode. 0

Signal and Interface Pins

Name Type Description
s_axi_aclk Clock All s_axi signals and irq are synchronous to this clock.
s_axi_aresetn Synchronous active low reset Resets the internal state of the peripheral.
s_axi AXI4-Lite bus slave Memory mapped AXI-lite bus that provides access to modules register map.
irq Level-High Interrupt Interrupt output of the module. Is asserted when at least one of the modules interrupt is pending and enabled.
m_src_axi_aclk Clock The m_src_axi interface is synchronous to this clock.
Only present when DMA_TYPE_SRC parameter is set to AXI-MM (0).
m_src_axi_aresetn Synchronous active low reset Reset for the m_src_axi interface.
Only present when DMA_TYPE_SRC parameter is set to AXI-MM (0).
m_src_axi AXI3/AXI4 bus master
m_dest_axi_aclk Clock The m_src_axi interface is synchronous to this clock.
Only present when DMA_TYPE_DEST parameter is set to AXI-MM (0).
m_dest_axi_aresetn Synchronous active low reset Reset for the m_dest_axi interface.
Only present when DMA_TYPE_DEST parameter is set to AXI-MM (0).
m_dest_axi AXI3/AXI4 bus master
s_axis_aclk Clock The s_axis interface is synchronous to this clock.
Only present when DMA_TYPE_SRC parameter is set to AXI-Streaming (1).
s_axis AXI-streaming bus slave
Only present when DMA_TYPE_SRC parameter is set to AXI-Streaming (1).
m_axis_aclk Clock The m_axis interface is synchronous to this clock.
Only present when DMA_TYPE_DEST parameter is set to AXI-Streaming (1).
m_axis AXI-streaming bus master
Only present when DMA_TYPE_DEST parameter is set to AXI-Streaming (1).
fifo_wr_clk Clock The fifo_wr interface is synchronous to this clock.
Only present when DMA_TYPE_SRC parameter is set to FIFO (2).
fifo_wr FIFO write interface
Only present when DMA_TYPE_SRC parameter is set to FIFO (2).
fifo_rd_clk Clock The fifo_rd interface is synchronous to this clock.
Only present when DMA_TYPE_DEST parameter is set to FIFO (2).
fifo_rd FIFO read interface Only present when DMA_TYPE_DEST parameter is set to FIFO (2).
dest_diag_level_bursts Diagnostics interface Only present when ENABLE_DIAGNOSTICS_IF parameter is set .
Framelock interface Framelock interface in writer mode. Only present when ENABLE_FRAME_LOCK parameter is set and the core has a s2mm configuration . m_frame_out - Represents the index of the most recent buffer that is completed by the writer. It's MSB qualifies the rest of the bits.
Framelock interface Framelock interface in reader mode. Only present when ENABLE_FRAME_LOCK parameter is set and the core has a mm2s configuration. s_frame_out - Represents the index of the most recent buffer that is in use by the reader. It's MSB qualifies the rest of the bits.
src_ext_sync External synchronization External synchronization signal synchronous to the source clock domain. Only present when USE_EXT_SYNC parameter is set.
dest_ext_sync External synchronization External synchronization signal synchronous to the destination clock domain. Only present when USE_EXT_SYNC parameter is set.

Register Map

DMA Controller (axi_dmac)

Click to expand regmap

Access type description

Access Type Name Description
RO Read-only Reads will return the current register value. Writes have no effect.
RW Read-write Reads will return the current register value. Writes will change the current register value.
RW1C Write-1-to-clear Reads will return the current register value. Writing the register will clear those bits of the register which were set to 1 in the value written. Bits are set by hardware.
RW1S Write-1-to-set Reads will return the current register value. Writing the register will set those bits of the register which were set to 1 in the value written. Bits are cleared by hardware.
V Volatile The V suffix indicates that the register is volatile and its content might change without software interaction. The value of registers without the volatile designation will change without an explicit write done by software.

Theory of Operation

HDL Synthesis Settings

Sizing of the internal store-and-forward data buffer

An internal buffer is used to store data from the source interface before it is forwarded to the destination once that can accept it. The purpose of the buffer is to even out the rate mismatches between the source and destination. e.g if the destination is a FIFO interface with a fixed data rate and the source is a MM interface, the intent is to keep the buffer as full as possible so in case of the MM interface is not ready data can be still provided to the destination without risking an underflow. Similarly in case the destination is a MM interface and the source a FIFO interface with a fixed data rate, the intent is to keep the buffer as empty as possible so in case the MM interface is not ready data can be still accepted from the source without risking an overflow.

The size of the buffer in bytes is determined by the synthesis parameters of the module and it is equal to FIFO_SIZE * MAX_BYTES_PER_BURST

Buffer dimensions

Interfaces and Signals

Register Map Configuration Interface

The register map configuration interface can be accessed through the AXI4-Lite S_AXI interface. The interface is synchronous to the s_axi_aclk. The s_axi_aresetn signal is used to reset the peripheral and should be asserted during system startup until the s_axi_aclk is active and stable. De-assertion of the reset signal should by synchronous to s_axi_aclk.

Data Interfaces

AXI-Streaming slave

The interface back-pressures through the s_axis_ready signal. If the core is in the idle state the s_axis_ready signal will stay low until a descriptor is submitted. The s_axis_ready will go low once the internal buffer of the core is full. It will go high only after enough space is available to store at least a burst (MAX_BYTES_PER_BURST bytes); Once the current transfer is finished and a new descriptor was not submitted the s_axis_ready will go low. The s_axis_ready will go low also when the TLAST is used that asserts unexpectedly. Unexpectedly means that the transfer length defined by TLAST is shorter than the transfer length programmed in the descriptor (X_LENGHT register). If the next descriptor was already submitted the s_axis_ready will assert within few cycles, in other hand will stay low until a new descriptor is submitted.

Configuration Interface

The peripheral features a register map configuration interface that can be accessed through the AXI4-Lite S_AXI port. The register map can be used to configure the peripherals operational parameters, query the current status of the device and query the features supported by the device.

Peripheral Identification

The peripheral contains multiple registers that allow the identification of the peripheral as well as discovery of features that were configured at HDL synthesis time. Apart from the SCRATCH register all registers in this section are read only and writes to them will be ignored.

The VERSION (0x000) register contains the version of the peripheral. The version determines the register map layout and general features supported by the peripheral. The version number follows semantic versioning. Increments in the major number indicate backwards incompatible changes, increments in the minor number indicate backwards compatible changes, patch letter increments indicate fixed incorrect behavior.

The PERIPHERAL_ID (0x004) register contains the value of the ID HDL configuration parameter that was set during synthesis. Its primary function is to allow to distinguish between multiple instances of the peripheral in the same design.

The SCRATCH (0x008) register is a general purpose 32-bit register that can be set to an arbitrary values. Reading the register will yield the value previously written (The value will be cleared when the peripheral is reset). It's content does not affect the operation of the peripheral. It can be used by software to test whether the register map is accessible or store custom peripheral associated data.

The IDENTIFICATION (0x00c) register contains the value of “DMAC”. This value is unique to this type of peripheral and can be used to ensure that the peripheral exists at the expected location in the memory mapped IO register space.

Interrupt Handling

Interrupt processing is handled by three closely related registers. All three registers follow the same layout, each bit in the register corresponds to one particular interrupt.

When an interrupt event occurs it is recorded in the IRQ_SOURCE (0x088) register. For a recorded interrupt event the corresponding bit is set to 1. If an interrupt event occurs while the bit is already set to 1 it will stay set to 1.

The IRQ_MASK (0x080) register controls how recorded interrupt events propagate. An interrupt is considered to be enabled if the corresponding bit in the IRQ_MASK register is set to 0, it is considered to be disabled if the bit is set to 1.

Disabling an interrupt will not prevent it from being recorded, but only its propagation. This means if an interrupt event was previously recorded while the interrupt was disabled and the interrupt is being enabled the interrupt event will then propagate.

An interrupt event that has been recorded and is enabled propagates to the IRQ_PENDING (0x084) register. The corresponding bit for such an interrupt will read as 1. Disabled or interrupts for which no events have been recorded will read as 0. Also if at least one interrupt has been recorded and is enabled the external irq signal will be asserted to signal the IRQ event to the upstream IRQ controller.

A recorded interrupt event can be cleared (or acknowledged) by writing a 1 to the corresponding bit to either the IRQ_SOURCE or IRQ_PENDING register. It is possible to clear multiple interrupt events at the same time by setting multiple bits in a single write operation.

For more details regarding interrupt operation see the interrupts section of this document.

Transfer Configuration

The DEST_ADDRESS (0x410) register contains the destination address of the transfer. The address must be aligned to the destination bus width, non-aligned addresses will be automatically aligned internally by setting the LSBs to 0. This register is only valid if the DMA channel has been configured for write to memory support.

The SRC_ADDRESS (0x414) register contains the source address of the transfer. The address must be aligned to the source bus width, non-aligned addresses will be automatically aligned internally by setting the LSBs to 0. This register is only valid if the DMA channel has been configured for write to memory support.

The X_LENGTH (0x418) register contains the number of bytes to transfer per row. The number of bytes is equal to the value of the register + 1 (E.g. a value of 0x3ff means 0x400 bytes).

The Y_LENGTH (0x418) register contains the number of rows to transfer. The number of rows is equal to the value of the register + 1 (E.g. a value of 1079 means 1080 rows). This register is only valid if the DMA channel has been configured with 2D transfer support. If 2D transfer support is disabled the number of rows is always 1 per transfer.

The SRC_STRIDE (0x420) and DEST_STRIDE (0x424) registers contain the number of bytes between the start of one row and the next row. Needs to be aligned to the bus width. This field is only valid if the DMA channel has been configured with 2D transfer support.

The total number of bytes transferred is equal to (X_LENGTH + 1) * (Y_LENGTH + 1).

The FLAGS (0x40C) register controls the behavior of the transfer.

  • If the CYCLIC ([0]) bit is set the transfer will run in cyclic mode.
  • If the TLAST ([1]) bit is set the TLAST signal will be asserted during the last beat of the AXI Stream transfer.

Transfer Submission

Writing a 1 to the TRANSFER_SUBMIT (0x408) register queues a new transfer. If the internal transfer queue is full the TRANSFER_SUBMIT bit will stay asserted until room becomes available, the bit transitions back to 0 once the transfer has been queued. Writing a 0 to this register has no effect. Writing a 1 to the register while it is already 1 will also have no effect. When submitting a new transfer software should always check that the TRANSFER_SUBMIT [0] bit is 0 before setting it, otherwise the transfer will not be queued.

If the DMA channel is disabled (ENABLE control bit is set to 0) while a queuing operation is in progress it will be aborted and the TRANSFER_SUBMIT bit will de-assert.

The TRANSFER_ID (0x404) register contains the ID of the next transfer. The ID is generated by the DMA controller and can be used to check if a transfer has been completed by checking the corresponding bit in the TRANSFER_DONE (0x428) register. The contents of this register is only valid if TRANSFER_SUBMIT is 0. Software should read this register before asserting the TRANSFER_SUBMIT bit.

Autorun mode

When the HAS_AUTORUN parameter is set the DMAC can initiate transfers without software intervention. Once the core comes out of reset, the core will operate on a transfer defined through the DMAC_DEF_* synthesis parameters. This is useful mostly in CYCLIC mode. In non cyclic mode, once the initial transfer is done the core will go to idle state and will wait for software interaction if that exists. In this mode the s_axi AXI configuration interface is optional.

Transfer Status

The TRANSFER_DONE (0x428) register indicates whether a submitted transfer has been completed. Each bit in the register corresponds to transfer ID. When a new transfer is submitted the corresponding bit in the register is cleared, once the the transfer has been completed the corresponding bit will be set.

The ACTIVE_TRANSFER_ID (0x42C) register holds the ID of the currently active transfer. When no transfer is active the value of register will be equal to the value of the TRANSFER_ID (0x404) register.

Transfer length reporting

When using MM or FIFO source interfaces the amount of data which the core will transfer is defined by X_LENGTH and Y_LENGTH registers in the moment of the transfer submission. Once the corresponding bit from the TRANSFER_DONE is set the programmed amount of data is transferred.

When using streaming interface (AXIS) as source, the length of transfers will be defined by the assertion of TLAST signal which is unknown at the moment of transfer submission. In this case X_LENGTH and Y_LENGTH specified during the transfer submission will act as upper limits for the transfer. Transfers where the TLAST occurs ahead of programmed length will be noted as partial transfers. If PARTIAL_REPORTING_EN bit from the FLAGS register is set, the length of partial transfers will be recorded and exposed through the PARTIAL_TRANSFER_LENGTH and PARTIAL_TRANSFER_ID registers. The availability of information regarding partial transfers is done through the PARTIAL_TRANSFER_DONE field of TRANSFER_DONE register.

During operation the TRANSFER_PROGRESS register can be consulted to check the progress of the current transfer. The register presents the number of bytes the destination accepted during the in progress transfer. This register will be cleared once the transfer completes. This register should be used for debugging purposes only.

Transfer Tear-down

Non-cyclic transfers stop once the programmed amount of data is transferred to the destination. Cyclic transfers needs to be stopped with software intervention by setting the ENABLE control bit to 0. In case if required, non cyclic transfers can be interrupted in the same way. The transfer tear down is done gracefully and is done at a burst resolution on MM interfaces and beat resolution on non-MM interfaces. DMAC shuts down gracefully as fast as possible while completing all in-progress MM transactions.

Source side: For MM interface once the ENABLE bit de-asserts the DMAC won't issue new requests towards the source interface but will wait until all pending requests are fulfilled by the source. For non-MM interfaces, once the ENABLE bit de-asserts the DMAC will stop to accept new data. This will lead to partial bursts in the internal buffer but this data will be cleared/lost once the destination side completes all pending bursts.

Destination side: For MM interface the DMAC will complete all pending requests that have been started by issuing the address. For non-MM interfaces once the ENABLE bit de-asserts the DMAC will stop to drive new data. All the data from the internal buffer will be cleared/lost. In case of AXIS the DMAC will wait for data to be accepted if valid is high since it can't just de-assert valid without breaking the interface semantics


The DMA controller supports interrupts to allow asynchronous notification of certain events to the CPU. This can be used as an alternative to busy-polling the status registers. Two types of interrupt events are implemented by the DMA controller.

The TRANSFER_QUEUED interrupt is asserted when a transfer is moved from the register map to the internal transfer queue. This is equivalent to the TRANSFER_SUBMIT register transitioning from 1 to 0. Software can use this interrupt as an indication that the next transfer can be submitted.

Note that a transfer being queued does not mean that it has been started yet. If other transfers are already queued those will be processed first.

The TRANSFER_COMPLETED interrupt is asserted when a previously submitted transfer has been completed. To find out which transfer has been completed the TRANSFER_DONE register should be checked.

Note that depending on the transfer size and interrupt latency it is possible for multiple transfers to complete before the interrupt handler runs. In that case the interrupt handler will only run once. Software should always check all submitted transfers for completion.

2D Transfers

If the DMA_2D_TRANSFER HDL synthesis configuration parameter is set the DMA controller has support for 2D transfers.

A 2D transfer is composed of a number of rows with each row containing a certain number of bytes. Between each row there might be a certain amount of padding bytes that are skipped by the DMA.

For 2D transfers the X_LENGTH register configures the number of bytes per row and the Y_LENGTH register configures the number of rows. The SRC_STRIDE and DEST_STRIDE registers configure the number of bytes in between start of two rows.

E.g. the first row will start at the configured source or destination address, the second row will start at the configured source or destination address plus the stride and so on.


If support for 2D transfers is disabled only the X_LENGTH register is considered and the number of rows per transfer is fixed to 1.

Cyclic Transfers

If the CYCLIC HDL synthesis configuration parameter is set the DMA controller has support for cyclic transfers.

A cyclic transfer once completed will restart automatically with the same configuration. The behavior of cyclic transfer is equivalent to submitting the same transfer over and over again, but generates less software management overhead.

A transfer is cyclic if the CYCLIC ([0]) bit of the FLAGS (0x40C) is set to 1 during transfer submission.

For cyclic transfers no end-of-transfer interrupts will be generated. To stop a cyclic transfer the DMA channel must be disabled.

Any additional transfers that are submitted after the submission of a cyclic transfer (and before stopping the cyclic transfer) will never be executed.

Transfer Start Synchronization

If the transfer start synchronization feature of the DMA controller is enabled the start of a transfer is synchronized to a flag in the data stream. This is primarily useful if the data stream does not have any back-pressure and one unit of data spans multiple beats (e.g. packetized data). This ensures that the data is properly aligned to the beginning of the memory buffer.

Data that is received before the synchronization flag is asserted will be ignored by the DMA controller.

For the FIFO write interface the fifo_wr_sync signal is the synchronization flag signal. For the AXI-Streaming interface the synchronization flag is carried in s_axis_user[0]. In both cases the synchronization flag is qualified by the same control signal as the data.

Diagnostics interface

For debug purposes a diagnostics interface is added to the core.
The dest_diag_level_bursts signal adds insight into the fullness of the internal memory buffer during operation. The information is exposed in number of bursts where the size of a burst is defined by the MAX_BYTES_PER_BURST parameter. The value of dest_diag_level_bursts increments for each burst accumulated in the DMACs internal buffer. It decrements once the burst leaves the DMAC on its destination port. The signal is synchronous to the destination clock domain (m_dest_axi_aclk or m_axis_aclk depending on DMA_TYPE_DEST).

External Synchronization

This feature allows external components to throttle the consumption of descriptors queued by the software. A transfer will start only after the assertion of the external sync signal for at least one clock cycle. The sync signal can be either in source or destination clock domain or both. This feature does not ensures fixed latency from the assertion of external sync signal and the availability of the data at the destination interface.

FrameLock Synchronization

This feature adds support for multiple 2D frame buffers which are used in a cyclic way. On the same set of buffers a second DMAC core can operate. The 'FrameLock' mechanism ensures no buffer is accessed by two DMACs in the same time.

The core can operate in two modes :

  • Writer mode - available in s2mm configuration, the writer DMAC will always skip the current in use readers buffer
  • Reader mode - available in mm2s configuration, the reader DMAC will stay behind the writers buffer by either repeating or skipping buffers according to the speed relationship of the two cores.

The writer and reader DMAC cores must be connected through the dedicated 'framelock' interface. They must be programmed with similar settings regarding the buffers size, start address and stride through the FRAME_LOCK_CONFIG and FRAME_LOCK_STRIDE registers.


AXI 4kByte Address Boundary

Software must program the SRC_ADDRESS and DEST_ADDRESS registers in such way that AXI burst won't cross the 4kB address boundary. The following condition must hold:

  • MAX_BYTES_PER_BURST is power of 2;

Address Alignment

Software must program the SRC_ADDRESS and DEST_ADDRESSregisters to be multiple of the corresponding MM data bus. The following conditions must hold:


Transfer Length Alignment

Software must program the X_LENGTH register to be multiple of the widest data bus. The following condition must hold:


Software Support

Analog Devices recommends to use the provided software drivers.

Technical Support

Analog Devices will provide limited online support for anyone using the core with Analog Devices components (ADC, DAC, Video, Audio, etc) via the EngineerZone.


Term Description
beat Represents the amount of data that is transferred in one clock cycle.
burst Represents the amount of data that is transferred in a group of consecutive beats.
partial transfer Represents a transfer which is shorter than the programmed length that is based on the X_LENGTH and Y_LENGHT registers. This can occur on AXIS source interfaces when TLAST asserts earlier than the programmed length.
resources/fpga/docs/axi_dmac.1551357296.txt.gz · Last modified: 28 Feb 2019 13:34 by Laszlo Nagy