
This version (31 Jan 2023 09:11) was approved by Joyce Velasco.The Previously approved version (13 Aug 2021 13:01) is available.Diff

Download no-OS

The source code of the no-OS software and the scripts can be downloaded from the Analog Devices github.

Download HDL

Please note that the projects FMCOMMS2, FMCOMMS3 and FMCOMMS4 are using the same hdl design. The ARRADIO Quartus project uses Arradio hdl design.


Hardware Project Carriers Resource Utilization Library Cores
ARRadio arradio c5soc NA axi_ad9361

Download Linux Image

The BOLD is what you should type. It's not too much more than Special Agent Oso's three special steps, and it also allows you to go for that specialty coffee you have been craving.

For different platforms you'll need different images. Currently we provide a single pre-build images, that can work on all the platforms we support.

Make sure you unzip the image using either 7-zip or on Linux it can be done via command-line xz -d <image_name>.img.xz. The actual file that needs to be dumped to the SD card has to have the *.img extension.
Your SD-card needs to be at least 16 GB for releases 2019-R2 and newer. Or 8 GB for older releases.
If your computer has security restrictions imposed by your company's IT department, which prevent your from writing data to SD-cards (or the data is encrypted when written on the SD-card), then consider using a computer that doesn't have such restrictions, or communicating with your IT department to find a solution.

Now, depending if you are using Linux or Windows, follow these instructions to write the file to your SD card.

Download Filters


In order to run the wizard, your MATLAB license needs to include the following components:

  • MATLAB (R2015b or higher version is required)
  • Signal Processing Toolbox
  • DSP System Toolbox

In addition, in order to generate HDL, your MATLAB license needs to include the following component:

  • Fixed-Point Designer

In order to get the wizard, please go to Analog Devices GitHub. Different releases of AD9361 Filter Design Wizard and their source files can be found here:

For more information about install and running MATLAB apps, please refer to:

If using a checkout or unpacked archive, the application can be run in one of two ways:

  • Right click “AD9361_Filter_Wizard.fig” and select “Open in GUIDE” to open the figure. Then type “Ctrl+T” to run the figure.
  • Within the application directory run the command “AD9361_Filter_Wizard” from the MATLAB command line.

The Filter Design Wizard has been applied in the RF Blockset (formerly SimRF) models of AD9361, provided by MathWorks as a hardware support package. Download this version if to be used with the AD9361 RF Blockset (formerly SimRF) model:

To learn more about AD9361 modeling and to download the Tx and Rx models, the hardware support package can be found here:

Download IIO-Oscilloscope

Latest releases (goto this page to download the file):

Download Libiio

The libiio library can be obtained on the Github page of the project.

Libiio installer for Windows

resources/eval/user-guides/ad-fmcomms2-ebz/downloads.txt · Last modified: 31 Jan 2023 09:10 by Joyce Velasco