
This version (09 Feb 2021 18:58) was approved by Istvan Csomortani.The Previously approved version (30 Jan 2012 12:25) is available.Diff

SDP-B Hardware Description

This describes the hardware design of the EVAL-SDP-CB1Z board.

This board is full of niubility! By using it, you can create a colorful world! After you entering this vivid world,you will feel of rebirth,and then you will shout “Hello World!”.


There are two LEDs located on the SDP-B board. Refer to Figure HWD1.

Figure HWD1: SDP-B Board LEDs


The orange LED is an LED to be used as a diagnostic tool for evaluation application developers.


The green power LED indicates that the SDP-B board is powered. This is not an indication of USB connectivity between the SDP-B and the PC.

Connector Details

The SDP-B board contains two identical Hirose FX8-120P-SV1(91), 120 pin header, connectors. Through these connectors, the peripheral communication interfaces of ADSP-BF527 Blackfin processor are exposed. The exposed peripherals are:

  • SPI
  • I2C/TWI
  • GPIO
  • Asynchronous Parallel
  • PPI
  • UART
  • Timers

Also, included on the connector specification are input and output power pins, ground pins, and pins reserved for future use.

For further details on the peripheral interfaces, including timing diagrams, see the ADSP-BF52x Blackfin Processor Hardware Reference

Connector C exposes the entire Blackfin memory space but is not used as part of the SDP platform.

Connector Pin Assignments

The connector pin assignments for Connector A and Connector B have been defined independently of the any internal pin sharing that occurs on the Blackfin processor. The below table lists the connector pins and identifies the functionality assigned to each connector pin for Connector A and Connector B on the SDP-B board.

120 Pin Connector Pin Assignments

Pin No. Pin Name Description
1 VIN Power to SDP-B board. Requires 200mA @ 4 – 7 Volts.
2 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
3 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
4 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
5 USB_VBUS Connected directly to the USB +5v Supply.
6 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
7 PAR_D23 Parallel Data Bus Bit 23.(No connect.) 1
8 PAR_D21 Parallel Data Bus Bit 21.(No connect.) 1
9 PAR_D19 Parallel Data Bus Bit 19.(No connect.) 1
10 PAR_D17 Parallel Data Bus Bit 17.(No connect.) 1
11 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
12 PAR_D14 Parallel Data Bus Bit 14.
13 PAR_D13 Parallel Data Bus Bit 13.
14 PAR_D11 Parallel Data Bus Bit 11.
15 PAR_D9 Parallel Data Bus Bit 9.
16 PAR_D7 Parallel Data Bus Bit 7.
17 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
18 PAR_D5 Parallel Data Bus Bit 5.
19 PAR_D3 Parallel Data Bus Bit 3.
20 PAR_D1 Parallel Data Bus Bit 1.
21 PAR_RD Low Enable. Asynchronous Parallel Read Strobe.
22 PAR_CS Low Enable. Asynchronous Parallel Chip Select.
23 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
24 PAR_A3 Parallel Address Bus Bit 3.
25 PAR_A1 Parallel Address Bus Bit 1.
26 PAR_FS3 Synchronous (PPI) Parallel Frame Sync 3.
27 PAR_FS1 Synchronous (PPI) Parallel Frame Sync 1.
28 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
29 SPORT_TDV0 SPI Data Receive 3. (No connect.) 1
30 SPORT_TDV1 SPI Data Receive 2. (No connect.) 1
31 SPORT_DR1 SPORT Data Receive 1. Secondary SPORT Data into processor.
32 SPORT_DT1 SPORT Data Transmit 1. Secondary SPORT Data from processor.
33 SPI_D2 SPORT Data Transmit 2.(No connect.) 1
34 SPI_D3 SPORT Data Transmit 3.(No connect.) 1
35 SERIAL_INT Serial Interrupt. Used to trigger a non-periodic SPORT event.
36 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
37 SPI_SEL_B Low enable. SPI Chip Select B. Use this to control a second device on the SPI bus.
38 SPI_SEL_C Low enable. SPI Chip Select C. Use this for a third device on the SPI bus.
39 SPI_SEL1/ SPI_SS SPI Chip Select 1. 2 Used to connect to SPI Boot Flash if required. Also used as Chip Select when Blackfin processor is operating as SPI Slave.
40 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
41 SDA_1 I2C Data 1.2
42 SCL_1 I2C Data 1.2
43 GPIO0 General Purpose Input/Output.
44 GPIO2 General Purpose Input/Output.
45 GPIO4 General Purpose Input/Output.
46 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
47 GPIO6 General Purpose Input/Output.2
48 TMR_A Timer A flag pin. Use as first Timer if required.
49 TMR_C Timer C flag pin.1 (No connect.)
50 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
51 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
52 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
53 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
54 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
55 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
56 EEPROM_A0 EEPROM A0. Connect to A0 Address line of the EEPROM
57 RESET_OUT Active low pin to reset controller board.
58 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
59 UART_RX UART Receive Data.2
60 RESET_IN Active low pin to reset controller board.
61 BMODE1 Boot Mode 1. Pull up with 10kΩ resistor to set SDP-B to boot from SPI Flash. Enabled on Connector A only.
62 UART_TX UART Receive Data.2
63 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
64 SLEEP Active low sleep from processor board.
65 WAKE External wake up to processor board.
66 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
67 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
68 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
69 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
70 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
71 CLKOUT CLKOUT from processor.
72 TMR_D Timer D flag pin.2
73 TMR_B Timer B flag pin. Use as second Timer if required.
74 GPIO7 General Purpose Input/Output.
75 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
76 GPIO5 General Purpose Input/Output.
77 GPIO3 General Purpose Input/Output.
78 GPIO1 General Purpose Input/Output.
79 SCL_0 I2C Clock 0. Daughter Board EEPROM must be connected to this bus.
80 SDA_0 I2C Data 0. Daughter Board EEPROM must be connected to this bus.
81 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
82 SPI_CLK SPI Clock.
83 SPI_MISO SPI Master In, Slave Out Data.
84 SPI_MOSI SPI Master Out, Slave In Data.
85 SPI_SEL_A SPI Chip Select A. Use this to control the first device on the SPI bus.
86 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
87 SPORT_TSCLK SPORT Transmit Clock.
88 SPORT_DT0 SPORT Data Transmit 0. Primary SPORT Data from processor.
89 SPORT_TFS SPORT Transmit Frame Sync.
90 SPORT_RFS SPORT Receive Frame Sync.
91 SPORT_DR0 SPORT Data Receive 0. Primary SPORT Data into processor.
92 SPORT_RSCLK SPORT Receive Clock
93 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
94 PAR_CLK Clock for Synchronous Parallel Interface (PPI).
95 PAR_FS2 Synchronous (PPI) Parallel Frame Sync 2.
96 PAR_A0 Parallel Address Bus Bit 0.
97 PAR_A2 Parallel Address Bus Bit 2.
98 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
99 PAR_INT Parallel Interrupt. Used to trigger a non-periodic Parallel event.
100 PAR_WR Asynchronous Parallel Write Strobe.
101 PAR_D0 Parallel Data Bus Bit 0.
102 PAR_D2 Parallel Data Bus Bit 2.
103 PAR_D4 Parallel Data Bus Bit 4.
104 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
105 PAR_D6 Parallel Data Bus Bit 6.
106 PAR_D8 Parallel Data Bus Bit 8.
107 PAR_D10 Parallel Data Bus Bit 10.
108 PAR_D12 Parallel Data Bus Bit 12.
109 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
110 PAR_D15 Parallel Data Bus Bit 15.
111 PAR_D16 Parallel Data Bus Bit 16. (No connect.) 1
112 PAR_D18 Parallel Data Bus Bit 18. (No connect.) 1
113 PAR_D20 Parallel Data Bus Bit 20. (No connect.) 1
114 PAR_D22 Parallel Data Bus Bit 22. (No connect.) 1
115 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
116 VIO(+3.3V) +3.3V Output. 20mA max current available to power IO voltage on daughter board.
117 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
118 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
119 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
120 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.

1 Functionality not implemented on the SDP board 2 Shared across both connectors.

Each interface provided by the SDP-B is available on unique pins of the SDP-B’s 120 pin connector. The connector pin numbering scheme is out-line in Figure HWD2.

Figure HWD2: 120 Pin Connector Outline

Pin Sharing

Two types of pin sharing occur on the SDP-B board and must be taken into account when using two or more of the connector's peripherals interfaces between a daughter board and the SDP board. The first type is pin sharing that occurs internally in the Blackfin processor. The second type is pin sharing that occurs when a single Blackfin processor output pin is shared across both connector A and connector B.

Internal Blackfin processor pin sharing can restrict the simultaneous availability of peripheral interfaces on a single connector or across both connectors. The Blackfin processor's internal design has multiple signals physically sharing each single output pin. As mentioned previously, the pins on the 120 pin connector were defined independently of this pin sharing. This has the effect of limiting the peripherals which can be used simultaneously on the SDP-B. A system designer must consult the ADSP-BF52x Blackfin Processor Hardware Reference for the ADSP-BF527 processor to ensure the selected peripherals are available simultaneously and their signals do not share Blackfin processor output pins. An example of this sharing is that the SPORT and PPI peripherals physically share the same Blackfin processor pins. Therefore, these two interfaces cannot be utilized in a single application.

Pin sharing also occurs from certain Blackfin processor output pins to both Connector A and Connector B. The following signals are connected from a single Blackfin processor output pin to both Connector A and Connector B:

  • SCL 0 on I2C Bus 0, pin 79
  • GPIO 6 and GPIO 7, pins 47 and 67
  • Timer D, pin 72
  • UART, pins 59 and 62



The SDP-B board requires that any daughter board connected to the SDP-B board provides the SDP-B board with 5V @ 200mA. This supply should be made available on Pin 1 (VIN) of the 120 pin connector. This supply is required to power the Blackfin processor, the memory, and the other components on the SDP-B Board. The SDP-B board also provides 3.3V @ 20mA on Pin 116 (VIO_3.3) to connected daughter boards as the VIO voltage for the daughter board. Pin 5 (USB_VBUS) is connected to the +5V lineof the USB connector, providing 5V+/- 10% as an output of the SDP-B board.

Daughter Board Design Guidelines

The daughter board design guidelines specify the layout, connector position, keep out areas and dimensions of potential daughter boards. This guidance is to ensure that a daughter board can connect off either Connector A or Connector B of the SDP-B board. Following these guidelines ensures that both connectors on the SDP-B can have any one of the catalogue of daughter boards physically attached to the connectors simultaneously.

Connector Location

The daughter board connector and securing screw holes are to be located in the top left hand corner. This arrangement can be seen for Daughter Board A in Figure HWD3. Note Daughter Board B is the same as A rotated clockwise through 90°. The exact location of the connector from the board's edge is important in order to allow both boards connect at the same time. As can be seen in Figure HWD3, if either board exceeds these dimensions, it is not possible to connect the other. Every effort was made to extend the 5.9mm dimension as large as possible in order to allow space for vias between the connector and the edge of the board. These are absolute max dimensions and should not be exceeded. See Figure HWD3 for further details.

Figure HWD3: Maximum Board Dimensions for Connector Placement

The full specification drawing for the connector location on the daughter board can be seen in Figure 2-4.

Figure HWD4: Connector Placement on Compatible Daughter Board

The mating daughter board 120 pin connector is the Hirose FX8-120S-SV(21), 120-pin receptacle, FEC 132-4660, Digikey H1219-ND. Please consult the connector's data sheet for full details on the connector. Note pins 1 to 60 are placed on the left side of the connector and pins 61 to 120 are placed on the right side of the connector.

Keep Out Area

In order to allow the greatest flexibility for future controller boards, a keepout area is established for components higher that 3mm. The keepout area is 12.65mm wide and extends down the entire left side of the daughter board.

Restriction on Right Angle Connectors

Due to the close proximity of the edges of daughter boards A and B (seen in Figure 2-3 on page 2-12) right angle connectors are not allowed on the top and left edges of the daughter boards and (if required) should be placed on the right or bottom edges. The phrase “right angle connector” is used to describe any connector that requires the connection to protrude over the edge of the board (for example, right angle SMB or screw terminal).

Mechanical Specifications

The mechanical specifications of the SDP-B board are 2.75“ x 2.25” (69.85mm x 57.15mm). The height of the 120 pin connectors from the bottom of the board is approximately 0.152“ (3.86 mm). The tallest component on the top is approximately 0.125” (3.175 mm), and the tallest components on the bottoms are the connectors at approximately 0.152“ (3.86 mm). Refer to Figure HWD5.

the below image is a detailed view of the underneath of the board

Figure HWD5: SDP-B Board Mechanical Specifications (above measurements are in mm)

resources/eval/sdp/sdp-b/hardware_description.txt · Last modified: 26 May 2016 18:58 by Eamonn Walsh