
This version is outdated by a newer approved version.DiffThis version (06 Dec 2023 20:17) is a draft.
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The Previously approved version (17 Nov 2023 17:39) is available.Diff

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AD2S1210 IIO Resolver-to-Digital Converter Linux Driver

Supported Devices

Evaluation Boards

Reference Circuits


This is a Linux industrial I/O (IIO) subsystem driver, targeting Resolver-to-Digital Converters. The industrial I/O subsystem provides a unified framework for drivers for many different types of converters and sensors using a number of different physical interfaces (i2c, spi, etc). See IIO for more information.

Source Code


Source Mainlined?
git Yes

Support for the AD2S1210 is in mainline for kernel v6.7 and is backported to v6.1 of the ADI tree. Some additional features are slated for v6.8. The device was previously supported by a staging driver with a different ABI.


Adding Linux driver support

Configure kernel with “make menuconfig” (alternatively use “make xconfig” or “make qconfig”)

The Driver depends on CONFIG_SPI

Linux Kernel Configuration
	Device Drivers  --->
		[*] Staging drivers  --->
			<*>     Industrial I/O support --->
			    --- Industrial I/O support
			    -*-   Enable ring buffer support within IIO
			    -*-     Industrial I/O lock free software ring
			    -*-   Enable triggered sampling support

			          *** Resolver to digital converters ***

			    <*>   Analog Devices AD2S1210 driver


Driver Usage

To configure the chip, use the attributes according to the device register to IIO ABI mapping below:

Register Addr IIO ABI (sysfs) Units Notes
DOS Overrange Threshold 0x89 events/in_altvoltage0_thresh_rising_value mV
DOS Mismatch Threshold 0x8A events/in_altvoltage0_mag_rising_value mV
DOS Reset Maximum Threshold 0x8B events/in_altvoltage0_mag_rising_reset_max mV
DOS Reset Minimum Threshold 0x8C events/in_altvoltage0_mag_rising_reset_min mV
LOT High Threshold 0x8D events/in_angl1_thresh_rising_value Radians
LOT Low Threshold 0x8E events/in_angl1_thresh_rising_hysteresis Radians The value written to the LOT low register is high value minus the hysteresis.
Excitation Frequency 0x91 out_altvoltage0_frequency Hz
Control 0x92 *as bit fields*
Phase lock range D5 events/in_phase0_mag_rising_value Radians
Hysteresis D4 in_angl0_hysteresis Convert to radians by multiplying channel scale
Encoder resolution D3:2 *not implemented*
Resolution D1:0 *device tree: assigned-resolution-bits* Bits 10, 12, 14, or 16
Soft Reset 0xF0 Soft reset is performed when `out_altvoltage0_frequency` is written.
Fault 0xFF *not implemented*

Interfacing With the AD2S1210 via iio_attr

Accessing a list of channels:

This specifies any shell prompt running on the target

analog@setup-2-zed:~ $ iio_attr ad2s1210 -c
dev 'ad2s1210', channel 'angl0' (input, index: 0, format: be:U16/16>>0), found 5 channel-specific attributes
dev 'ad2s1210', channel 'anglvel0' (input, index: 1, format: be:S16/16>>0), found 3 channel-specific attributes
dev 'ad2s1210', channel 'timestamp' (input, index: 2, format: le:S64/64>>0), found 0 channel-specific attributes
dev 'ad2s1210', channel 'phase0' (input), found 1 channel-specific attributes
dev 'ad2s1210', channel 'altvoltage0' (output), found 3 channel-specific attributes
dev 'ad2s1210', channel 'altvoltage2' (input), found 1 channel-specific attributes
dev 'ad2s1210', channel 'angl1' (input), found 1 channel-specific attributes
dev 'ad2s1210', channel 'altvoltage0' (input), found 1 channel-specific attributes
dev 'ad2s1210', channel 'altvoltage1' (input), found 1 channel-specific attributes

For example, to get position channel angl0:

This specifies any shell prompt running on the target

analog@setup-2-zed:~ $ iio_attr ad2s1210 -ci angl0
dev 'ad2s1210', channel 'angl0' (input), attr 'hysteresis', value '1'
dev 'ad2s1210', channel 'angl0' (input), attr 'hysteresis_available', value '0 1'
dev 'ad2s1210', channel 'angl0' (input), attr 'label', value 'position'
dev 'ad2s1210', channel 'angl0' (input), attr 'raw', value '34114'
dev 'ad2s1210', channel 'angl0' (input), attr 'scale', value '0.000095874'

Or velocity channel anglvel0:

This specifies any shell prompt running on the target

analog@setup-2-zed:~ $ iio_attr ad2s1210 -ci anglvel0
dev 'ad2s1210', channel 'anglvel0' (input), attr 'label', value 'velocity'
dev 'ad2s1210', channel 'anglvel0' (input), attr 'raw', value '0'
dev 'ad2s1210', channel 'anglvel0' (input), attr 'scale', value '0.023968449'

Interfacing With the AD2S1210 via /sys/bus

Alternatively, you can read and write data directly from the device path in /sys/bus:

This specifies any shell prompt running on the target

analog@setup-2-zed:~ $ cd /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio\:device1/

analog@setup-2-zed:/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device1 $ tree
├── buffer
│   ├── data_available
│   ├── direction
│   ├── enable
│   ├── length
│   └── watermark
├── buffer0
│   ├── data_available
│   ├── direction
│   ├── enable
│   ├── in_angl0_en
│   ├── in_angl0_index
│   ├── in_angl0_type
│   ├── in_anglvel0_en
│   ├── in_anglvel0_index
│   ├── in_anglvel0_type
│   ├── in_timestamp_en
│   ├── in_timestamp_index
│   ├── in_timestamp_type
│   ├── length
│   └── watermark
├── current_timestamp_clock
├── dev
├── events
│   ├── in_altvoltage0_mag_rising_label
│   ├── in_altvoltage0_mag_rising_reset_max
│   ├── in_altvoltage0_mag_rising_reset_max_available
│   ├── in_altvoltage0_mag_rising_reset_min
│   ├── in_altvoltage0_mag_rising_reset_min_available
│   ├── in_altvoltage0_mag_rising_value
│   ├── in_altvoltage0_mag_rising_value_available
│   ├── in_altvoltage0_thresh_falling_label
│   ├── in_altvoltage0_thresh_falling_value
│   ├── in_altvoltage0_thresh_falling_value_available
│   ├── in_altvoltage0_thresh_rising_label
│   ├── in_altvoltage0_thresh_rising_value
│   ├── in_altvoltage0_thresh_rising_value_available
│   ├── in_altvoltage1_mag_either_label
│   ├── in_altvoltage2_mag_either_label
│   ├── in_angl1_thresh_rising_hysteresis
│   ├── in_angl1_thresh_rising_hysteresis_available
│   ├── in_angl1_thresh_rising_label
│   ├── in_angl1_thresh_rising_value
│   ├── in_angl1_thresh_rising_value_available
│   ├── in_anglvel0_mag_rising_label
│   ├── in_phase0_mag_rising_label
│   ├── in_phase0_mag_rising_value
│   └── in_phase0_mag_rising_value_available
├── in_altvoltage0_label
├── in_altvoltage1_label
├── in_altvoltage2_label
├── in_angl0_hysteresis
├── in_angl0_hysteresis_available
├── in_angl0_label
├── in_angl0_raw
├── in_angl0_scale
├── in_angl1_label
├── in_anglvel0_label
├── in_anglvel0_raw
├── in_anglvel0_scale
├── in_phase0_label
├── name
├── of_node -> ../../../../../../../../firmware/devicetree/base/axi/spi@e0006000/ad2s1210@0
├── out_altvoltage0_frequency
├── out_altvoltage0_frequency_available
├── out_altvoltage0_label
├── power
│   ├── autosuspend_delay_ms
│   ├── control
│   ├── runtime_active_time
│   ├── runtime_status
│   └── runtime_suspended_time
├── scan_elements
│   ├── in_angl0_en
│   ├── in_angl0_index
│   ├── in_angl0_type
│   ├── in_anglvel0_en
│   ├── in_anglvel0_index
│   ├── in_anglvel0_type
│   ├── in_timestamp_en
│   ├── in_timestamp_index
│   └── in_timestamp_type
├── subsystem -> ../../../../../../../../bus/iio
├── trigger
│   └── current_trigger
├── uevent
└── waiting_for_supplier

analog@setup-2-zed:/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device1 $ cat name

analog@setup-2-zed:/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device1 $ cat in_angl0_raw

Hysteresis can be enabled or disabled this way. To do so, first check the output of in_angl0_hysteresis_available:

This specifies any shell prompt running on the target

root@setup-2-zed:/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device1# cat in_angl0_hysteresis_available 
0 1

To turn hysteresis off, write the first value from the output to in_angl0_hysteresis:

This specifies any shell prompt running on the target

root@setup-2-zed:/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device1# echo 0 > in_angl0_hysteresis

To turn it on, write the second value (which is dependent on the assigned bits for resolution and may not always be 1):

This specifies any shell prompt running on the target

root@setup-2-zed:/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device1# echo 1 > in_angl0_hysteresis

Triggered buffer

To generate samples using the triggered buffer, you will need a trigger. You can create an hrtimer trigger and test it by retrieving samples like this:

This specifies any shell prompt running on the target

root@setup-2-zed:~# mkdir /sys/kernel/config/iio/triggers/hrtimer/test
root@setup-2-zed:~# iio_readdev ad2s1210 -t test -s 1000 -T 10000 | hd
WARNING: High-speed mode not enabled
00000000  85 41 00 00 00 00 00 00  82 e1 7d ad 09 54 9e 17  |.A........}..T..|
00000010  85 41 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 70 16 ae 09 54 9e 17  |.A.......p...T..|
00000020  85 42 00 00 00 00 00 00  5f 06 af ae 09 54 9e 17  |.B......_....T..|
00000030  85 41 00 00 00 00 00 00  3f a2 47 af 09 54 9e 17  |.A......?.G..T..|
00000040  85 42 00 00 00 00 00 00  7f 32 e0 af 09 54 9e 17  |.B.......2...T..|
00000050  85 41 00 00 00 00 00 00  41 c8 78 b0 09 54 9e 17  |.A......A.x..T..|
00000060  85 41 00 00 00 00 00 00  ab 64 11 b1 09 54 9e 17  |.A.......d...T..|
00000070  85 41 00 00 00 00 00 00  fb f6 a9 b1 09 54 9e 17  |.A...........T..|
00000080  85 41 00 00 00 00 00 00  85 8b 42 b2 09 54 9e 17  |.A........B..T..|
00000090  85 41 ff ff 00 00 00 00  13 22 db b2 09 54 9e 17  |.A......."...T..|
000000a0  85 42 00 00 00 00 00 00  e3 b8 73 b3 09 54 9e 17  |.B........s..T..|
000000b0  85 42 00 00 00 00 00 00  53 4f 0c b4 09 54 9e 17  |.B......SO...T..|
000000c0  85 41 00 00 00 00 00 00  6a e8 a4 b4 09 54 9e 17  |.A......j....T..|
000000d0  85 41 00 00 00 00 00 00  24 7d 3d b5 09 54 9e 17  |.A......$}=..T..|
000000e0  85 41 ff ff 00 00 00 00  7c 13 d6 b5 09 54 9e 17  |.A......|....T..|
000000f0  85 41 00 00 00 00 00 00  2c a9 6e b6 09 54 9e 17  |.A......,.n..T..|

using the -t option to specify the trigger with iio_readdev resets the sampling rate of the hrtimer trigger back to 100Hz!

For other apps, we probably want a high sample rate. You can change the rate like this:

This specifies any shell prompt running on the target

root@setup-2-zed:~# iio_attr -d test sampling_frequency 10000

Reading IIO Events

See iio_event_monitor for an example of a program designed to read IIO events.

Fault to event mapping:

Fault Channel Type Direction Notes
Sine/cosine inputs clipped D7 altvoltage1 mag either The chip does not differentiate between fault on sine vs. cosine so there will also be an event on the altvoltage2 channel.
Sine/cosine inputs below LOS D6 altvoltage0 thresh falling
Sine/cosine inputs exceed DOS overrange D5 altvoltage0 thresh rising
Sine/cosine inputs exceed DOS mismatch D4 altvoltage0 mag rising
Tracking error exceeds LOT D3 angl1 thresh rising
Velocity exceeds maximum tracking rate D2 anglvel0 mag rising
Phase error exceeds phase lock range D1 phase0 mag rising
Configuration parity error D0 *writes to kernel log*

Usage With the EVAL-AD2S1210SDZ Evaluation Board

Interfacing With a Raspberry Pi


AD2S1210 Pin Eval Board Pin RPi Header Pin RPi Function Notes
RES0 LK6 15 GPIO22 There aren’t J4 pins for RES0/1 so have to use jumper pins. It is also possible to hard-wire resolution pins RES0/1, but device tree would need to be changed accordingly.
RES1 LK7 16 GPIO23 There aren’t J4 pins for RES0/1 so have to use jumper pins. It is also possible to hard-wire resolution pins RES0/1, but device tree would need to be changed accordingly.
A0 J4-12 18 GPIO24
A1 J4-11 22 GPIO25
VDRIVE J704-1 1 3.3V
DGND J704-2 9 GND
AD2S1210 Pin Eval Board Pins (Jumpered) Eval Board Signal
RD J4-3, J4-7 VDRIVE
CS J4-2, J4-6 DGND
Eval Board Signal Eval Board Jumper Position Notes
A0 LK 4 C
A1 LK5 C
RES0 LK6 C There aren’t J4 pins for RES0/1 so have to use jumper pins. It is also possible to hard-wire resolution pins RES0/1, but device tree would need to be changed accordingly.
RES1 LK7 C There aren’t J4 pins for RES0/1 so have to use jumper pins. It is also possible to hard-wire resolution pins RES0/1, but device tree would need to be changed accordingly.

Device Tree

Add dtoverlay=ad2s1210 to /boot/config.txt.

Overlay: ad2s1210-overlay.dts


More Information

resources/tools-software/linux-drivers/iio-resolver/ad2s1210.1701890238.txt.gz · Last modified: 06 Dec 2023 20:17 by Trevor Gamblin