
This version (12 Oct 2012 15:10) was approved by Jason Coutermarsh.The Previously approved version (09 May 2012 17:19) is available.Diff

Programming Reference

All the functions of a DPG can be accessed through a set of Dynamic-Link Library (DLL) functions. These functions can be accessed via two different Windows® software interface standards:

  • Component Object Model (COM)
  • .NET Framework

When possible, the .NET version should be used instead of the COM version. It provides a more efficient and robust interface.

Class Organization

The following chart describes the organization of the various interfaces and classes used. A Hardware Interface (sometimes referred to as a “driver”) implements the code required to communicate with a specific model of hardware. The Interface which describes what functions these drivers will implement is the IHardwareInterface interface. For each device that is currently connected, a Hardware Device object is created. This object is used to communicate with a specific, physical device. All of these Hardware Device objects abide by the IHardwareDevice interface.

To connect to a DPG, an instance of the correct Hardware Interface must be created. This instance will provide an array of IHardwareDevice's corresponding to all the attached devices.

Getting Started with COM

Unlike the .NET interface, you must connect directly to the appropriate Hardware Interface for the type of hardware you are connecting to. The individual hardware interfaces are registered with COM when the DAC Software Suite is installed. The ProgID of each interface is in the form “AnalogDevices.x”, where x is the name of the hardware type. For example, the DPG2 Hardware Interface is registered with COM as AnalogDevices.DPG2.

Once the hardware interface is opened, all the functions listed in the IHardwareInterface interface can be used, as well as the functions in IHardwareDevice for any devices returned by the interface. Additional functions specific to the current hardware may also be available. Using these functions will limit the application to the current device type.

Getting Started with .NET

The AnalogDevices.DPG.Interfaces assembly provides the starting point for communicating with a DPG. This assembly exposes a number of interfaces, as well as the AnalogDevices.DPG.PluginFinder namespace.

The AnalogDevices.DPG.PluginFinder Namespace

This namespace provides a mechanism for locating the various hardware drivers that might be present on a user's PC. It should generally be used instead of a direct link to the hardware driver, to allow for future expansion.

Two methods are exposed, which both search for hardware drivers:

IHardwareInterface[] FindPlugins()

This will return an array of all the available Hardware Interfaces (drivers) on the current PC.

IHardwareInterface[] FindPluginsFiltered(string filter)

This function returns a list of the available Hardware Interfaces whose name matches the filter. For example, to search for only the DPG2 driver, the filter would be set to “DPG2”. Using this function with a filter of “*” is identical to just calling FindPlugins().


This interface defines the properties and methods that a particular hardware driver will support.

COM Guid:C18A8C19-4DE7-4b2f-9A7F-91AF8BE9C2BD


string FriendlyName

This property returns a human-readable string describing the hardware driver. It is commonly used when presenting the user with a list of available interfaces to choose from. Read-Only.

IHardwareDevice[] AttachedDevices

AttachedDevices returns an array of Hardware Device objects. Each object corresponds to exactly one physically connected device. If no devices are connected, an array of length zero will be returned. Read-Only.


This interface describes the basic functions that all Hardware Device drivers will support.

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int DeviceIndex

The Device Index differentiates between multiple devices of the same type which are connected to the same PC at the same time. For some devices, such as the DPG2, this value is also displayed on the hardware itself. Setting this value is not recommended. The driver will automatically assign indexes as new devices are attached. Note that the indexes are not guaranteed to be the same each time the device is connected, nor are the indexes guaranteed to be sequential. Read/Write.

DataAlignmentE DataAlignment

Specifies if the data presented is MSB aligned or LSB aligned. If the data is LSB aligned, no alignment processing is performed on the data. If the data is MSB aligned, the data is shifted to the left by 16-DataWidth bits. Read/Write.

int DataWidth

Specifies the width (resolution) of the data, in bits. Read/Write.

string[] AvailableConfigurations

Lists the names of the available standard configurations for the connected DPG. When using one of the DownloadConfiguration methods, the config string should exactly match one of the values from this list. Read-Only.

string CurrentConfiguration

Returns the name of the configuration currently loaded into the attached DPG. Read-Only.

double DownloadAsyncProgress

Returns the progress of an asynchronous vector download, as a percentage (0-100). Read-Only.

bool DownloadAsyncComplete

Indicates if an asynchronous vector download is still in progress. Read-Only.

SynchronizationModeE SynchronizationMode

Sets or returns if the attached DPG is set up for multi-DPG synchronization. Read/Write.

PlayModeE PlayMode

Sets or returns if the DPG should continuously loop its vector upon playback, or only play back the vector PlayCount times. Read/Write.

ulong PlayCount

When PlayMode=Count, this value determines how many loops the playback will perform before stopping. Read/Write.

ulong PlayStartAddress

Determines the address in which the vector playback will begin from. Defaults to 0 (beginning of the vector). Read/Write.

ulong PlayCurrentAddress

Indicates the current position of the playback. Note that due to numerous delays inherent in the system, this value should not be used for any synchronization purposes. Read-Only.

ulong PlayLength

Sets or returns the number of points to playback in each loop. This is set automatically when a vector is loaded. Read/Write.

PlayStatusE PlayStatus

Indicates if the DPG is currently playing a vector, or is paused/stopped. Read-Only.

Version ConfigurationVersion

Returns the dotted-decimal version number of the configuration file currently loaded into the DPG. Only valid after a DPG has been configured. Read-Only.

DateTime ConfigurationBuildDate

Returns the build date of the configuration file currently loaded into the DPG. Only valid after a DPG has been configured. Read-Only.

HardwareIdlePattern IdlePattern

Returns a reference to the HardwareIdlePattern object, which is used for altering the idle pattern. Read-Only.

bool DataClockDetected

Indicates if a data clock was detected. Read-Only.

double DataClockFrequency

Indicates the current measured data clock, in hertz (Hz). Read-Only.

HardwareSPIport[] SPIports

Returns an array of HardwareSPIport objects, used to communicate through a SPI port on the DPG. Read-Only.

JESD204Interface JESD204

Returns an object which allows access to JESD204-related functions. Only available on pattern generators which support JESD204, and only when a JESD204 image is loaded into the DPG. Read-Only.


IndividualUnitControl UnitControl(void)

Returns a GUI control which can control all aspects of the DPG. This is the same as what is displayed in DPGDownloader.

bool DownloadConfiguration(string config)

Downloads a configuration file into the FPGA of the attached DPG. config can be either the name of a standard configuration (as provided by AvailableConfigurations), or can be the full path to a custom configuration file. This function will not return until the download is complete (blocking call).

void DownloadConfigurationAsync(string config)

Asynchronously downloads a configuration file into the FPGA of the attached DPG. config can be either the name of a standard configuration (as provided by AvailableConfigurations), or can be the full path to a custom configuration file. This function will return immediately (non-blocking call).

bool DownloadConfigurationBytes(byte[] config)

Downloads configuration data into the FPGA of the attached DPG. config is an array of bytes, representing the configuration data that should be downloaded. If the data is already in a file, it is recommended that the DownloadConfiguration method be used instead. This function will not return until the download is complete (blocking call).

void DownloadConfigurationBytesAsync(byte[] config)

Asynchronously downloads configuration data into the FPGA of the attached DPG. config is an array of bytes, representing the configuration data that should be downloaded. If the data is already in a file, it is recommended that the DownloadConfigurationAsync method be used instead. This function will return immediately (non-blocking call).

void DownloadConfigurationAsyncCancel(void)

Cancels the current asynchronous configuration download.

bool DownloadDataVectorInt2D(int[,] data, bool ShowProgress)

Downloads a 2D array of integers. Setting ShowProgress to true will show a pop-up progress bar during the download. This method will not return until the download is complete (blocking call).

bool DownloadDataVectorDouble2D(double[,] data, bool ShowProgress)

Downloads a 2D array of doubles. If all the values of the array are less than 1, each value will be multiplied by the digital full-scale value (computed from DataWidth). Setting ShowProgress to true will show a pop-up progress bar during the download. This method will not return until the download is complete (blocking call).

bool DownloadDataVectorInt1D(int[] data, bool ShowProgress)

Downloads an array of integers. Setting ShowProgress to true will show a pop-up progress bar during the download. This method will not return until the download is complete (blocking call).

bool DownloadDataVectorDouble1D(double[] data, bool ShowProgress)

Downloads an array of doubles. If all the values of the array are less than 1, each value will be multiplied by the digital full-scale value (computed from DataWidth). Setting ShowProgress to true will show a pop-up progress bar during the download. This method will not return until the download is complete (blocking call).

bool DownloadInterleavedVectorInt1D(int[] data, int channels, bool ShowProgress)

Downloads an interleaved array of integers. Every channels-th point will be sent to the first data port on the DPG, every (channels+1)-th point will be sent to the second data port, and so on. Setting ShowProgress to true will show a pop-up progress bar during the download. This method will not return until the download is complete (blocking call).

bool DownloadInterleavedVectorInt2D(int[,] data, int channels, bool ShowProgress)

Downloads an interleaved array of integers (only the first column/row of data is considered). Every channels-th point will be sent to the first data port on the DPG, every (channels+1)-th point will be sent to the second data port, and so on. Setting ShowProgress to true will show a pop-up progress bar during the download. This method will not return until the download is complete (blocking call).

bool DownloadInterleavedVectorDouble1D(double[] data, int channels, bool ShowProgress)

Downloads an interleaved array of doubles. If all the values of the array are less than 1, each value will be multiplied by the digital full-scale value (computed from DataWidth). Every channels-th point will be sent to the first data port on the DPG, every (channels+1)-th point will be sent to the second data port, and so on. Setting ShowProgress to true will show a pop-up progress bar during the download. This method will not return until the download is complete (blocking call).

bool DownloadInterleavedVectorDouble2D(double[,] data, int channels, bool ShowProgress)

Downloads an interleaved array of doubles (only the first column/row of data is considered). Every channels-th point will be sent to the first data port on the DPG, every (channels+1)-th point will be sent to the second data port, and so on. Setting ShowProgress to true will show a pop-up progress bar during the download. This method will not return until the download is complete (blocking call).

void DownloadDataVectorAsyncInt2D(int[,] data, bool ShowProgress)

Asynchronously downloads a 2D vector of integers. Setting ShowProgress to true will show a pop-up progress bar during the download. This method will return immediately (non-blocking call).

void DownloadDataVectorAsyncDouble2D(double[,] data, bool ShowProgress)

Asynchronously downloads a 2D array of doubles. If all the values of the array are less than 1, each value will be multiplied by the digital full-scale value (computed from DataWidth). Setting ShowProgress to true will show a pop-up progress bar during the download. This method will return immediately (non-blocking call).

void DownloadDataVectorAsyncInt1D(int[] data, bool ShowProgress)

Asynchronously downloads an array of integers. Setting ShowProgress to true will show a pop-up progress bar during the download. This method will return immediately (non-blocking call).

void DownloadDataVectorAsyncDouble1D(double[] data, bool ShowProgress)

Asynchronously downloads an array of doubles. If all the values of the array are less than 1, each value will be multiplied by the digital full-scale value (computed from DataWidth). Setting ShowProgress to true will show a pop-up progress bar during the download. This method will return immediately (non-blocking call).

void DownloadInterleavedVectorAsyncInt1D(int[] data, int channels, bool ShowProgress)

Asynchronously downloads an interleaved array of integers. Every channels-th point will be sent to the first data port on the DPG, every (channels+1)-th point will be sent to the second data port, and so on. Setting ShowProgress to true will show a pop-up progress bar during the download. This method will return immediately (non-blocking call).

void DownloadInterleavedVectorAsyncInt2D(int[,] data, int channels, bool ShowProgress)

Asynchronously downloads an interleaved array of integers (only the first column/row of data is considered). Every channels-th point will be sent to the first data port on the DPG, every (channels+1)-th point will be sent to the second data port, and so on. Setting ShowProgress to true will show a pop-up progress bar during the download. This method will return immediately (non-blocking call).

void DownloadInterleavedVectorAsyncDouble1D(double[] data, int channels, bool ShowProgress)

Asynchronously downloads an interleaved array of doubles. If all the values of the array are less than 1, each value will be multiplied by the digital full-scale value (computed from DataWidth). Every channels-th point will be sent to the first data port on the DPG, every (channels+1)-th point will be sent to the second data port, and so on. Setting ShowProgress to true will show a pop-up progress bar during the download. This method will return immediately (non-blocking call).

void DownloadInterleavedVectorAsyncDouble2D(double[,] data, int channels, bool ShowProgress)

Asynchronously downloads an interleaved array of doubles (only the first column/row of data is considered). Every channels-th point will be sent to the first data port on the DPG, every (channels+1)-th point will be sent to the second data port, and so on. Setting ShowProgress to true will show a pop-up progress bar during the download. This method will return immediately (non-blocking call).

void DownloadDataVectorAsyncCancel(void)

Cancels an in-progress asynchronous vector download.

double[,] UploadDataVector(int points)

Reads points points from the DPG's memory, and returns a 2D array of double. This is intended as a debug function and may not function as expected.

void StartPlayback(void)

Begins playback of the data vector.

void PausePlayback(void)

Pauses playback of the data vector. When started again with StartPlayback, playback will resume at the point in which it was stopped.

void StopPlayback(void)

Stops playback. When playback is started again with StartPlayback, playback will begin from PlayStartAddress.



This event is fired when an asynchronous configuration download has completed.


This event is fired when the status (percent complete) of an asynchronous configuration download changes.


This event is fired when an asynchronous data vector download has completed.


This event is fired when the status (percent complete) of an asynchronous data vector download changes.


This event is fired when an error occurs during data vector download.


This interface describes the properties and methods used to read, alter, and enable the Idle Pattern feature of the DPG.

COM Guid: 2EB6E57E-DCC1-4f48-B0CC-4FDD8E28759A


bool Enabled

This property enables or disables the Idle Pattern. When enabled (Enabled = true), the Idle Pattern will be played while the DPG isn't playing a vector. The Idle Pattern itself can be set regardless of the value of this property. Read/Write.

int[] Pattern

The Idle Pattern is set or retrieved as an array of integer values. When enabled, the Idle Pattern feature will loop through these values while the DPG is not playing out a vector. Read/Write.


void SetPatternInt1D(int[] pattern)

This method is identical to setting the property Pattern. It is provided for use in applications which cannot set array properties.

void SetPatternInt2D(int[,] pattern)

This method is identical to setting the property Pattern. It is provided for use in applications which cannot set array properties.


Provides access to the JESD204 capabilities of a pattern generator.


int FramerCount

Gets or sets the number of framers in the current DPG setup.

JESD204Framer[] Framers

Returns an array of JESD204Framer objects, which is the primary interface to the hardware framers inside the DPG.

int LaneCount

Gets or sets the maximum number of lanes that can be utilized in this setup across all framers.

JESD204Lane[] Lanes

Returns an array of JESD204Lane objects, which provides access to individual lane features.


Provides access to one (of one or more) JESD204 framers inside the DPG.


PreAThe original revision of the JESD204 specification
AThe JESD204A revision
BThe JESD204B revision
Subclass0JESD204B Subclass 0 (No deterministic latency)
Subclass1JESD204B Subclass 1 (High-Speed Deterministic Latency)
Subclass2JESD204B Subclass 2 (Low-Speed Deterministic Latency)


eJESD204Revision JESD204Revision

Gets or sets the revision of the JESD204 specification to use. Read-Write.

eSubclass Subclass

Gets or sets the JESD204B subclass used. Read-Write.

int L

Gets or sets the JESD204 parameter L Read-Write.

int F

Gets or sets the JESD204 parameter F Read-Write.

int K

Gets or sets the JESD204 parameter K Read-Write.

int N

Gets or sets the JESD204 parameter N Read-Write.

int Np

Gets or sets the JESD204 parameter Np Read-Write.

int M

Gets or sets the JESD204 parameter M Read-Write.

int S

Gets or sets the JESD204 parameter S Read-Write.

bool HD

Gets or sets the JESD204 parameter HD Read-Write.

bool Scrambling

Turns on or off JESD204 scrambling Read-Write.


void DownloadDataAsync(UInt16[][] DataVectors, bool ShowProgress)

Downloads data asynchronously to the memory in the pattern generator for playback to the framer. The first dimension of DataVectors should be M long. ShowProgress indicates if a status bar should be displayed during the download process.

void DownloadData(UInt16[][] DataVectors, bool ShowProgress)

Downloads data synchronously to the memory in the pattern generator for playback to the framer. The first dimension of DataVectors should be M long. ShowProgress indicates if a status bar should be displayed during the download process.


Provides access to one (of one or more) JESD204 physical lanes inside the DPG.


bool InvertPolarity

When true, the polarity of the differential pair is reversed (effectively swapping P and N) Read-Write.

AnalogDevices.DPG.Interfaces.HardwareTypes Namespace


LoopThe data vector will be looped continuously.
CountThe data vector will only be played a specific number of times.
StoppedThe playback is stopped or paused. If enabled, the idle vector is currently playing.
PlayingThe data vector in the DPG's memory is currently being played.
SingleDo not synchronize to other DPGs.
MasterThis DPG generates timing signals, to be received by other DPGs.
SlaveThis DPG will wait for timing signals to be received from the Master.
MSB_AlignedThe MSB of the data is always positioned at the MSB of the data port. Data which is less than the width of the port will be left-shifted.
LSB_AlignedThe LSB of the data is always at the LSB of the data port (bit 0). Data which is less than the width of the port will have 0s placed in any unused bits.

DPG2-Specific Features

Default Configurations

The following are the default configurations that ship with the DPG2:

LVDS (DCO)LVDS Signaling, Data Clock provided to DPG2 via main connector (Extended Voltage Swing)
LVDS (DCO) Std.LVDS Signaling, Data Clock provided to DPG2 via main connector (Standard Voltage Swing)
LVCMOS-3.3V (SMA)3.3V LVCMOS Signaling, Data Clock provided to DPG2 via SMA jacks
LVCMOS-2.5V (SMA)2.5V LVCMOS Signaling, Data Clock provided to DPG2 via SMA jacks
LVCMOS-1.8V (SMA)1.8V LVCMOS Signaling, Data Clock provided to DPG2 via SMA jacks
LVCMOS-3.3V (DCO)3.3V LVCMOS Signaling, Data Clock provided to DPG2 via main connector
LVCMOS-2.5V (DCO)2.5V LVCMOS Signaling, Data Clock provided to DPG2 via main connector
LVCMOS-1.8V (DCO)1.8V LVCMOS Signaling, Data Clock provided to DPG2 via main connector


eFrameSyncMode FrameSyncMode

This property determines what the second data clock input (DCI) line will be. Under normal operation (FrameSyncMode=None), the second DCI is the normal data clock. When FrameSyncMode is any other mode, the second DCI is a divided-down version of the data clock, suitable for use as a frame sync signal for some parts. Read/Write.


NoneThe second DCI line will be a standard clock signal.
DCI_2The second DCI line will be the DCO clock divided by 2
DCI_4The second DCI line will be the DCO clock divided by 4
DCI_8The second DCI line will be the DCO clock divided by 8
DCI_16The second DCI line will be the DCO clock divided by 16
DCI_32The second DCI line will be the DCO clock divided by 32
DCI_64The second DCI line will be the DCO clock divided by 64
OneShot1The second DCI line will be asserted for 1 DCO cycle after playback is started.
OneShot2The second DCI line will be asserted for 2 DCO cycles after playback is started.
OneShot3The second DCI line will be asserted for 3 DCO cycles after playback is started.
OneShot4The second DCI line will be asserted for 4 DCO cycles after playback is started.
OneShot5The second DCI line will be asserted for 5 DCO cycles after playback is started.
OneShot6The second DCI line will be asserted for 6 DCO cycles after playback is started.
OneShot7The second DCI line will be asserted for 7 DCO cycles after playback is started.

DPG3-Specific Features

QBF (Implementation of JESD204Framer)

In addition to the base implementation of JESD204Framer, this class also exposes:


InternalDrive Sync from an internal data bit
ExternalUse the Sync line provided from the connected evaluation board


bool Reset

Holds the framer in reset when true Read-Write.

eSyncSelect SyncSelect

Selects between the external (hardware) Sync line, or an internally generated sync state. Read-Write.

resources/eval/dpg/programming_reference.txt · Last modified: 12 Oct 2012 15:10 by Jason Coutermarsh